Monday, February 20, 2006

Salam Sejahtera,

Mufti Perak, Datuk Harussani Zakaria bangkit dalam isu ini dengan membuat kenyataan akhbar bahwa umat Islam wajib isytihar perang terhadap pertubuhan IFC ( Inter Faith Commission ) itu dan minta 50 ahli politik Islam yang menurunkan signature sebagai menyokong penubuhan IFC itu bertaubat kepada Allah swt kerana dibimbangi aqidah mereka sudah terbatal . Datuk Harussani juga minta kepada semua penceramah, semua ustaz-ustaz yang mengajar kuliah-kuliah dan semua khatib-khatib, supaya jangan lupa cakap benda ni dalam kuliah-kuliah dan di atas mimbar-mimbar Jumaat bahwa pertubuhan IFC ini adalah musuh Islam di Malaysia.

Tuan-tuan tau IFC minta apa kat PM?...Depa send memorandum kepada PM minta 15 perkara berhubung dengan Islam supaya dimasukkan dalam perlembagaan Malaysia.Antaranya:

1) Setiap anak yang baru dilahirkan di Malaysia jangan dikaitkan dengan mana-mana agama sehinggalah anak itu berusia 18 tahun - Tu dia tuan-tuan.Ini apa cerita ni? Maknanya, anak-anak kita langsung tidak boleh dididik dengan cara Islam. Kita tak boleh bubuh nama Islam kat anak-anak.Sampai umur 18 tahun, baru boleh duduk bincang di mahkamah, tanya kat anak kita, "Hang nak ikut ugama apa?"...Kalau dia kata nak jadi hindu, maka jadi hindulah dia. Kita tak boleh nak buat apa sebab dah digazetkan dalam Perlembagaan Negara.

2) Di dalam dokumen pengenalan mykad dan passport dihapuskan kolum identiti agama - maknanya, perkataan "Islam" yang ada kat mykad kita itu, depa minta di"tiada"kan.

3) Mana-mana orang bukan Islam kalau nak kahwin dengan orang Islam, dia tidak perlu masuk Islam.

4) Mana-mana orang Islam yang nak kahwin dengan orang bukan Islam, mestilah dia tukar agama kepada bukan Islam.

5) Sebagaimana kerajaan Malaysia menyalurkan dana kepada masjid-masjid, begitu juga kerajaan Malaysia mesti menyalurkan dana kepada semua rumah ibadat orang bukan Islam.

6) Peraturan sekolah yang mengizinkan anak orang Islam menutup aurat hendaklah dimansuhkan, kerana ia menghina agama bukan Islam.

7) Hapuskan mahkamah syariah kerana ia juga menghina agama-agama lain.

Mahkamah syariah kalau tak dak, habih la kita tuan-tuan. Walaupun la ni bukannya perfect, tapi itulah satu-satunya mahkamah yang defence agama kita.Kalau mahkamah syariah disingkirkan, masalah faraid pusaka, masalah nikah kahwin, cerai talak apa semua tu macamana?...Kalau takdak mahkamah syariah, maknanya, perkahwinan tidak akan berjalan di atas akad nikah, sebaliknya, perkahwinan akan dibuat secara berdaftar.

8) Mana-mana orang bukan Islam yang masuk Islam, semua hartanya dikembalikan kepada waris yang tidak beragama Islam.

9) Mana-mana pasangan yang bukan Islam, apabila masuk Islam, maka hak penjagaan anak tidak boleh diberikan kepada mereka.

10) Sebagaimana program-program di radio dan tv yang menerangkan tentang ajaran Islam dalam bahasa ibunda masing-masing, begitu juga ajaran-ajaran lain daripada Islam juga perlu diberi ruang.

11) Sepertimana Quran, hendaklah kerajaan Malaysia turut mencetak bible dalam bahasa Melayu untuk diedarkan di seluruh negara.

12) Apa istimewanya Islam sehingga ditabalkan sebagai agama rasmi di Malaysia?

....lagi 3 ana tak ingat, antum boleh refer dalam majalah Millenium Muslim.

Ini dia tuan-tuan, Islam diludah depan mata kita sendiri, so mana sensitiviti kita terhadap agama kita sendiri?...Datuk Harussani tegur PM dan 50 ahli politik Islam yang sokong pertubuhan tersebut supaya dibatalkan pertubuhan itu. Tau 50 orang Islam tu kata apa?...Depa kata kat Mufti Perak, "Ni lah kalau dah terlalu tua jadi mufti, tak open minded langsung!"...Datuk Harussani balas dalam majalah "Millenium Muslim", katanya, "Di atas sikap open-minded rakyat Malaysia yang terlampau lebih, maka inilah hadiahnya!"...Ini dia kata-kata seorang ulama di Malaysia. Yang lainnya sunyi sepi termasuklah akhbar-akhbar, macam ada benda dalam mulut sampai tak boleh nak buka!


Kata al-Imam Ibn Kathir didalam tafsirnya: "Sepertimana yang Tartar berhukum dengan berteraskan sistem pemerintahan yang diambil daripada raja mereka Genghiz Khan yang telah mencipta untuk mereka undang-undang Yasak yang merupakan sebuah buku menghimpunkan hukum-hakam yang diambil daripada syariat yang berbagai, iaitu Yahudi, Nasrani, Islam dan lain-lain.

Dalamnya juga banyak hukum-hakam yang diambil daripada fikiran dan hawa nafsunya semata, lalu dijadikan undang-undang yang diikuti oleh anak cucunya. Mereka mendahulukannya melebihi kitab Allah dan Sunnah Rasulullah saw,sesiapa yang berbuat demkian maka dia adalah kafir dan wajib diperangi sehingga dia kembali kepada hukum Allah dan Rasulnya dan tidak berhukum selain daripadanya dalam perkara kecil ataupun besar (rujukan tafsir al-Quran al-'Azim oleh al-Imam Ibn Kathir jld. 2, m.s. 70. Cetakan Beirut)

Allahu ta`ala `alam.
Posted by Lynn Ross at 11:11 pm | 0 comments
The Big Chill?”, a specially researched Time magazine cover story of February 16, 1987, startled the world with horrifying details of a new disease – AIDS. Since AIDS is infectious and fatal, it has produced a new breed of untouchables from whom both men and women flee in fear of their very lives. Publicity on the subject has created such a scare that barbershops in western countries often display signboards bearing the unlikely legend: “No Shaves Here.”

Government officials have described such a reaction as “AIDS hysteria.” Barbers, however, maintain that even the AIDS victims’ perspiration, or drops of blood from tiny cuts made during shaving, can transmit the virus and that it was, therefore, necessary to keep away from them.

After making detailed investigations, Time’s team of experts confirmed that the prime cause of this deadly disease is promiscuity.
Since it is transmitted mainly by homosexuals, it has come to be known as the “gay disease.” This disease spreads so rapidly that its explosion in the world of today has been geometric. Chilled by the fatality of AIDS, one of its victims exclaimed: “Oh, what will happen in this world, if we have to die when we make love? AIDS is the century’s evil.”

Promiscuity, euphemistically referred to as “free love” in the western world, has brought down a curse upon humanity. It was estimated that by 1991, 270,000 people would have contracted this disease in the U.S., and that doctors would find it impossible to treat such a large number of patients. The situation would be completely beyond control. The government has started an anti- AIDS campaign whose slogan is “Love carefully”. This same advice, differently worded, would read: “Love within the bonds of marriage. Stop loving outside them.”

One of the great influences towards socially “legitimizing” promiscuity was D.H. Lawrence’s novel, Lady Chatterly’s Lover, first published in 1928. At the time of publication, this work was considered obscene and almost immediately banned. Then, with a gradual change of moral climate, permission was given to republish it in 1959. Many young people in America were deeply affected by this novel and, a whole spate of similar literature having followed it, promiscuity began to be the rule rather than the exception. Now, once again, there is a public outcry to ban Lady Chatterly’s Lover and other such works.

Such a complete about-face has been caused by the devastating effects of AIDS. It has forced the west to re-think the whole question of free sex – a development which seems little short of miraculous. Swingers of all persuasions may sooner or later be faced with the reality of a new era of sexual caution and restraint.

People had been delighted at having discovered the key to unlimited enjoyment in freeing themselves from the curbs of religion, for, according to divine law, a sexual relationship between a man and a woman was permitted only within the bonds of marriage. But now the realities of nature are finally forcing man to forsake the path of free love and follow the path of sexual restraint. It has taken the fatalities of the final quarter of the twentieth century to convince people that divine law and 'the law of nature' are one. Too late, it has dawned on “free lovers” that promiscuity could be a killer. Time’s cartoon showing a man and a woman encircled by a deadly snake, epitomizes one of today’s major human dilemmas.

It was not without good reason that the Qur’an, Muslim's Holy Book, commanded that sexual relationships should be confined within the bonds of marriage: “(Lawful to you are), in wedlock, women from among those who believe, and, in wedlock, women from among those who have been given the Book before you(Jews and Christians) – provided that you give them their dowers, taking them in honest wedlock, not in fornication, nor as secret love-companions.” (Qur’an 5:5)

This has been interpreted by Qur’anic commentators as a clear injunction to establish sexual relations only through marriage, and that there should be no extra-marital relationships. The Qur'an states:
"…And those who guard their chastity, except with their wives and the (captives) whom their right hands possess, - for (then) they are not to be blamed, but those who trespass beyond this are transgressors."

Experiments have shown that this is the only right and natural way. Marital relationships and fornication are not just matters of approval or disapproval by religious authorities, but matters of life and death. The married state is a blessing for human society; any other is a curse:
"And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect." (30:21)

Islamic doctrines and traditions which succeeded in institutionalizing a solid system of sexual behavior, arranging and shaping a unique Muslim perception of sexual relationships, has also shielded the Muslim world from being easy prey for AIDS. Yet arguing that the Muslim world is largely AIDS free or that the epidemic has little presence among Muslims is a mere fantasy, a fantasy that could lead to disaster.

Most Arab and Muslim countries fall into the gap of the impoverished half of the world, a reality that is known to be a producer of many grievous phenomena, besides people's failure to guarantee a suitable home and nutritious food. Poverty in many parts of the world lays the foundation for extremely dangerous social illnesses such as prostitution, drug addiction and others. Such problems constitute a golden opportunity for AIDS to strike.
It is significant that the new education plan released by the U.S. government stresses sexual abstinence as a preventive measure. This public exhortation to observe the rules of old-fashioned morality is a clear indication of the superiority of divine law over man-made law.

A believer in Divine law, who errs by entering into an illicit sexual relationship, and contracting AIDS in the process, will be considered to have deviated from the principles of divine law. However, one who belongs to western civilization and contracts such a disease as the result of promiscuity will be said to have shown the error of the principle of western civilization itself. The former case proves the error of a man while the latter case proves the error of the principle of a civilization.

1- 'Women between Islam and Western Society' By: Wahiduddin Khan
2- Middle East News Online
Posted by Lynn Ross at 3:49 pm | 0 comments
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

'Hijab' is an Arabic word that describes Muslim women's entire dress code, which includes a veil and whatever else is needed to cover everything except the face and hands. It is adopted at puberty - an age when Muslims, say children, should become accountable for their actions.

This essay will attempt to briefly enumerate the basic requirements regarding Muslim women’s dress (Hijab) as stipulated by the 'Sharee’ah' (Law) of Islam. The term 'Hijab' itself includes not only dress and covering the body, but methods of behavior before members of the same and/or opposite sex, promoting privacy for females and prohibiting loose intermingling between males and females, and thereby encouraging modesty, decency, and chastity.

The following requirements represent those agreed upon by the overwhelming majority of scholars and are all solidly backed by firm evidence taken from the Qur’an, the 'Sunnah' (Prophet's tradition) and the practice of the 'Sahaabah' (Prophet's companions):

1: The Extent of Covering

The dress worn in public must cover the entire body except what has been specifically excluded, based upon the following verse:

Allah Ta’ala (the Exalted) says:

“And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their private parts from sin and not to show off their adornment (Zeenah) except only that which is apparent, and draw their head covers (Khumur) over their necks and bosoms and not reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband’s fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons, their brothers, or their brothers’ sons, or their sisters’ sons, or their women (i.e., their sisters in Islam), or their female slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants free of physical desires, or small children who have no sense of women’s nakedness. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And turn unto Allah all together, O you Believers, in order that you may attain success. [24: 31]

The word 'Zeenah' in the 'Aayah' (verse) above, literally means “adornment”, and includes both (a) that which Allah has adorned, i.e., the woman’s natural and /or physical beauty, and (b) that with which they adorn themselves, i.e., jewellery, eye shadow, attractive clothing, hand dye, etc. The word 'Khumur' (pl. of 'Khimaar') refers to a cloth which covers the head (including the ears), hair, neck and bosom.

2: Thickness

The garment should be thick and opaque so as not to display the skin color and form of the body beneath it. Delicate or transparent clothing does not constitute a proper covering. The Muslim scholar Al-Qurtubee reports a narration from ‘A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her /RA) that some women from 'Banu Tameem' (an Arabic tribe) came to see her wearing transparent clothing. ‘A’ishah said to them: 'If you are believing women, these are not the clothes of believing women.” He also reports that a bride came to see her, wearing a sheer, transparent 'Khimaar' whereupon ‘A’ishah (RA) said: “A woman who wears such clothing does not believe in 'Soorah (Qur'anic chapter) An-Noor'. Moreover, the following 'hadith' (narrative) makes this point graphically clear. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

"There will be in the last of my 'Ummah' (Muslim Nation), scantily dressed women, the hair on the top of their heads like a camel’s hump. Curse them, for verily they are cursed."

In another version, he (PBUH) said: "… scantily dressed women, who go astray and make others go astray; they will not enter Paradise nor smell its fragrance, although it can be smelled from afar." [At-Tabarani, Muslim]. "Scantily dressed women" are those who wear clothing which reveals more than it conceals, thereby increasing her attractiveness while opening the path to a host of evils.

3: Looseness

The clothing must hang loosely enough and not be so tight-fitting as to show the shape and size of the woman’s body. This obviously includes such things as skin-tight body suits, etc. The following hadith proves this point clearly. Usama ibn Zayd (RA) said: 'The Prophet (PBUH) gave me a gift of thick Coptic cloth he had received as a gift from Dahiah Al- Kalbee, and so I gave it to my wife. Thereafter the Prophet (PBUH) asked me: “Why didn’t you wear the Coptic cloth? I replied: I gave it to my wife. The Prophet (PBUH) then said: Tell her to wear a thick gown under it (the Coptic garment) for I fear that it may describe the size of her limbs.” [Ahmad, Al Bayhaqee, and Al-Hakkim]

4: Color, Appearance and Demeanor

Allah says: “O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other women; if you fear (Allah), then do not be too pleasant of speech, lest one in whose heart is a disease should feel desire (for you). [33 : 32]

The reason for the revelation of this verse is not the fear of distrust or misbehaviour on the part of the women, but rather to prevent them from speaking invitingly, walking seductively, or dressing revealingly so as to arouse sexual desire in the heart of lecherous and evil men. Seductive dressing and enticing speech are the characteristics of ill-intentioned women, not Muslims. Al-Qurtubee mentions that Mujaahid (RA) said: "Women (before the advent of Islam) used to walk about among men." Qataadah (RA) said: "The women used to wear an untied cloth on their heads, while provocatively toying with their necklaces, earrings, and other ornamental jewelry.

5: Difference from Men’s Clothing

The clothing of a Muslim woman must not resemble the clothing of men. The following two hadiths help to explain this. Abu Hurairah (RA) said: "The Prophet (PBUH) cursed the man who wears women’s clothes and the woman who wears men’s clothes". [Abu Dawood and Ibn Maajah – Authentic]

6: Difference from the Clothing of Unbelievers

Her clothing must not resemble the clothing of the unbelievers. This is a general ruling of the 'Sharee’ah' which encompasses not only dress but also such things as manners, customs, religious practices and festivities, transactions, etc. Indeed, dissimilarity with unbelievers is a precedent that was established by the first generation of Islam. ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr ibn Al-’Aas said: "The Prophet (PBUH) saw me wearing two saffron colored garments, so he said: “Indeed, these are the clothes of 'Kuffaar' (unbelievers), so do not wear them.” [Muslim]

7: The hijab must not be perfumed

On the authority of Ad'Diya Al-Maqdisi, the Prophet (PBUH) said: "Any woman who perfumes herself and passes by some people that they smell her scent, then she is a 'Zaniyah' (adulteress)."

8: No Vain or Ostentatious Dressing

The woman’s dress must not be an expression of ostentation, vanity or as a status symbol by being excessively showy or expensive, nor must it be excessively tattered so as to gain admiration and fame for being extremely humble. Ibn ‘Umar (RA) reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said: “Whoever dresses for ostentation in this world, Allah will dress that person in a dress of humiliation on the Day of Resurrection, and then set it on fire.” [Abu Dawood]

1-Rachel Hodder
2-Al-Haramain Foundation, by I. A. Palmer

Posted by Lynn Ross at 12:04 pm | 0 comments
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Yesterday I've been called to my friend's place at Ampang to fix her computer. But then, I was not talented enough to the job and I have to bring back home for my brother to look and fix it. After that, my friend ask me to go for a drink or two at Dome, KLCC. I'm the person will always says OK in everything (not all but most of the time) and furthermore we never met quite a long time. I think since last September, nearly 4 months. She also decided to invite some friends to join. And I said OK. ;)

Me and Dina arrived early that evening. While waiting for others to come, we have drinks and chit-chat about each other. What happen to us since we never met and never share anything anymore. About 30 to 45 minutes, Ija arrived with her friend. But her friend went off with her BF after that. So, there's only 3 of us. We ordered food for dinner, and start exchanging info about self. After half an hour like that, Nadya joined us.

I'm very happy to meet my friends again even though we are different years of age but we still maintain nice to each other. Everybody keeps on telling what is happening around and we share so many things, I mean story of life.

Wait, feel like type it in Malay+English (rojak meh). =)

So far, best laa..dah lama tak jumpa, bila jumpa banyak perkara nak diceritakan. Rasa suntuk sangat masa ni. Tapi, harap² jumpa lagi nanti. Basically, Dina, Ija, & Nadya tak banyak beza. Sama cam dulu. Tu yang best tu! =) And masa jumpa tu, favourite question depa adalah "Seeing someone?" . Alamak....bab tu yang anaa paling lemah. I'm with no one la. Can't answer that. Tapi, my answer goes like this "The interest are there but the person is unavailable." Camana lagi nak cakap..hehehe.. Bukannya senang nak cari...kalau boleh macam cari ikan kat supermarket tak pe la juga. Tapi, susah. Berkenan dihati kita, mana tahu tak berkenan dihati orang lain. Apalah orang perempuan boleh buat sangat pun.

We also talk about marriage. Hahaha. Because, ada yang baru kahwin yesterday. Ada yang dah kahwin. Ada yang akan kahwin. Umur masing-masing pun makin meningkat. Hurm, tengok sahajalah nanti. ;) Kami ada bincang tentang kerja, yang mana sedang belajar kami bincang tentang perjalanan studynya. Ambil tahu perkembangan rakan-rakan lain. Selit sikit pasal movie yang baru di panggung sekarang. Macam-macam lagi la.

Overall, BEST! Tu sahaja anaa boleh cakap. Anaa syukur sangat-sangat sebab dapat jumpa balik. Bukannya senang, al-maklumlah, masing-masing sibuk dengan urusan masing-masing. Tapi, dalam hati masing-masing masih mengharap untuk bertemu kembali. Seronok juga sesekali. Syukur ALHAMDULILLAH. =)

Oh ya, kami sempat snap 3 atau 4 keping gambar. Tapi, gambar tu ada pada Ija. Tak dapat nak anaa nak attach disini. Sekiranya ada nanti, anaa update kan.

Sehingga dilain kali..

Posted by Lynn Ross at 11:23 am | 0 comments
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Lelaki Soleh dapat di definisikan sebagai seorang lelaki muslim yang beriman (mukmin), bersih dari segi zahir dan batinnya, mengambil makanan yang bersih dan halal(bukan dari sumber yang haram)serta sentiasa berusaha menjauhkan dirinya dari perkara perkara yang akan mendorong kearah maksiat dan menariknya ke jurang NERAKA yang amat dalam. Lelaki soleh juga ialah seorang lelaki yang sentiasa taat kepada Allah swt. dan RasulNya walau dimana sahaja mereka berada dan pada bila bila masa sahaja. Kesolehan dan keimanan seseorang tidak dapat dilihat dan diukur dari segi lahiriah semata mata kerana ianya adalah berkait rapat dengan masalah AKIDAH dan KEYAKINAN, kepada siapa dia menyerah keyakinan dan ketaatan dan sebaliknya. TAUHID merupakan dasar tertinggi dalam kehidupan yang harus sentiasa dipelihara kerana apabila tauhid tidak betul dan sempurna, maka seluruh amalan yang dilakukan adalah sia-sia sahaja. Apabila telah jelas kepada siapa kita memberikan perwalian dan terhadap pihak mana kita menolak kepimpinan, barulah Tauhid akan menjadi kenyataan dan berdiri dengan tegaknya dalam jiwa seseorang. Oleh yang demikian, jelaslah bahawa kesolehan seseorang lelaki itu tidak dapat dinilai dari segi lahiriah semata-mata. Ianya adalah lebih jauh dan mendalam dari itu senua. Antara hal-hal yang harus dilihat dan dikaji pada setiap individu muslim ialah perkara-perkara yang bersangkutan dengan keyakinan, tujuan dan pandangan hidup serta cita-cita dan jalan hidup seseorang itu.


1. Sentiasa taat kepada Allah swt dan Rasullulah saw.

2. Jihad Fisabilillah adalah matlamat dan program hudupnya.

3. Mati syahid adalah cita cita hidup yang tertinggi.

4. Sabar dalam menghadapi ujian dan cabaran dari Allah swt.

5. Ikhlas dalam beramal.

6. Kampung akhirat maejadi tujuan utama hidupnya.

7. Sangat takut kepada ujian Allah swt. dan ancamannya.

8. Selalu memohon ampun atas segala dosa-dosanya.

9. Zuhud dengan dunia tetapi tidak meninggalkannya.

10. Solat malam menjadi kebiasaannya.

11. Tawakal penuh kepada Allah taala dan tidak mengeluh kecuali kepada Allah swt

12. Selalu berinfaq samaada dalam keadaan lapang mahupun sempit.

13. Menerapkan nilai kasih sayang sesama mukmin dan ukhwah diantara mereka.

14. Sangat kuat amar maaruf dan nahi munkarnya.

15. Sangat kuat memegang amanah, janji dan kerahsiaan.

16. Pemaaf dan lapang dada dalam menghadapi keboduhan manusia, sentiasa saling koreksi sesama ikhwan dan tawadhu penuh kepada Allah swt.

17. kasih sayang dan penuh pengertian kepada keluarga.

Selain daripada ciri-ciri diatas, orang orang yang soleh juga merupakan insan insan yang senantiasa mendapat ujian dan cubaan daripada Allah swt. setelah para nabi nabi dan orang orang yang mulia. Mereka menghadapi segala ujian tersebut dengan hati yang tabah dan tetap teguh dalam keimanan serta pendirian. Mereka tidak mudah menyerah kalah dari keganasan dan tekanan musuh.

Tugas tugas dan kewajipan Lelaki Soleh........

1. Mencari nafkah ( belanja hidup)

2. Berjihad Fisabilillah.

3. Melindungi dan membela kaum yang lemah dan tertindas.

4. Memimpin, mendidik dan berlaku adil terhadap isteri.

1. MENCARI NAFKAH.......... Tugas mencari nafkah diberatkan kepada kaum Lelaki kerana kelebihan dalam penciptaannya yang berupa kekuatan fizikal dan akal fikirannya. Oleh itu Lelaki mampu untuk bekerja keras untuk mencari nafkah, memberi perlindungan dan pertahanan maruah kehidupannya terutama kepada keluarga, agama, bangsa dan agamanya. Inilah sebabnya lelaki diangkat menjadi pemimpin bagi kaum wanita. Oleh itu, seorang lelaki muslim, lelaki dan suami yang soleh, tidak akan melalaikan tugas ini. Ia wajib bekerja menurut apa sahaja kemampuannya. Dalam melaksanakan tugas ini, dia haruslah MEMBETULKAN NIATnya iaitu ikhlas untuk mencari keredhaan Allah swt. Dia tidak akan merasa MALU untuk
melakukannya sebaliknya gembira dan berbangga terhadap pekerjaannya lebih lebih lagi perkara yang halal.

Lelaki soleh tidak akan lupa untuk mengingati hari akhirat tetapi menjadikannya sebagai tujuan yang utama. dia bekerja didunia untuk mencari keuntungan di akhirat, bukannya mengejar keduniaan semata-mata. Dengan cara ini, usahanya akan sentiasa berhasil dan berjaya didunia dan akhirat. Seperti kata ulama Salaf yang bermaksud; Wahai anak Adam! Juallah duniamu dengan akhirat, maka engkau akan UNTUNG semuanya, tetapi jangan engkau jual akhirat dengan dunia, maka engkau akan RUGI semuanya.

" Bagi orang orang yang telah mengerjakan kewajipan agamanya dengan baik, kemudian terasa penat dan letih pada malamnya, sehingga tidak dapat mengerjakan amalan amalan sunnah, maka Allah dan RasulNya memberikan jaminan dengan ampunan sepanjang malam yang dilaluinya dengan tidur yang nyenyak".

Inilah antara ganjaran yang akan dikurniakan kepada lelaki soleh yang mencari nafkah dengan bersungguh sungguh. Terdapat dua cara orang berusaha mencari nafkah seperti yang dianjurkan oleh ISLAM.

Pertama: Hendaklah ia tidak melalaikan tugasnya terhadap Allah swt. dan janganlah ia meninggalkan nilai nilai yang LUHUR.

Kedua : Hendaklah dilakukan dengan cara yang halal, bersih dan tidak membawa apa-apa kemudaratan kepada orang lain dan tidak pula bertentangan dengan peraturan-peraturan umum.

Antara cara cara pencarian harta yang diharamkan oleh Islam ialah:

1. Riba,

2. Penimbunan barang barang yang menjadi hajat orang ramai,

3. Perjudian dan perdagangan minuman keras,

4. Berlaku penipuan dalam penimbangan dan penukaran barang,

5. Mencuri

6. Memakan harta orang lain dengan cara yang bathil seperti yang diterangkan dalam surah An Nisa 4, ayat 29.

2. BERJIHAD FISABILILLAH Jihad merupakan amal yang paling utama dan puncak ketinggian Islam. Tidak ada satu pun amalan soleh yang dapat menandingi Jihad. Orang soleh tidak sedikit pun merasa gentar dan takut apabila berjuang menegakkan agama Allah sebaliknya sentiasa tersenyum bangga menjadi seorang Pegawai Allah dengan gelaran paling indah iaitu MUJAHIDIN. Inilah yang dimaksudkan dengan lelaki soleh, yang mana pekerjaan utamanya membunuh atau terbunuh. Jika tidak terbunuh, maka ia mesti membunuh. Tidak terdapat alternatif lain kecuali satu antara dua 'YUQTAL AU YAGHLIB' yakni TERBUNUH atau MENANG.


Sememangnya sejak akhir-akhir ini golongan kafir senantiasa mencari peluang untuk menindas dan menakhluki negara-negara serta umat- umat Islam. Orang orang yang soleh haruslah peka dan bersedia untuk bertindak balas supaya umat-umat Islam tidak akan ditindas dengan sewenang-wenangnya oleh golongan tersebut.

" Wahai lelaki soleh...! tugas dan tanggungjawabmu bukanlah ringan, bayangkan langit dan gunung tidak mampu membawanya. Kamu sajalah yang akan tampil dan mampu menyelesaikan persoalan besar ini. Orang orang yang lemah dan sedang tertindas sentiasa menanti kehadiranmu. Mereka berdoa agar kamu segera tiba untuk menjadi pembela dan penolong bagi mereka."

Inilah laungan yang senantiasa terdengar daripada golongan golongan yang tertindas dan mengharapkan bantuan. Oleh itu lelaki yang soleh haruslah memainkan peranannya sebagai pembela agama sama ada secara langsung ataupun tidak langsung demi untuk mengekalkan kedaulatan agama Islam


1. Mengajar dan membimbing dengan cara yang baik sehingga isteri isteri yang tidak solehah menyedari akan kesilapannya dan menukar cara hidupnya menjadi isteri solehah.

2. Menangani isteri yang bodoh dan keras kepala dengan bijaksana sehingga dia menyedari hakikat yang sebenarnya dan bersedia mengubahnya.

Demikianlah cara cara yang telah digariskan oleh Islam untuk mengatasi masaalah ketidaksesuaian suami isteri dalam kehidupan rumah tangga. Apabila menghadapi sebarang kesulitan, lelaki soleh tidak akan cepat melatah dan bertindak menurut nafsu dan perasaan semata-mata tanpa mengambil kira perasaan orang lain. Lelaki soleh akan bertindak dengan cara yang lebih effisien dan bijaksana dan senantiasa memohon petunjuk dari Allah swt. Dengan ini kebahagiaan rumahtangga akan dapat dikekalkan buat selama lamanya. Berlaku baik terhadap isteri Suami yang soleh akan sentiasa maenjaga kebajikan keluarganya terutama isterinya. Ia senantiasa menjaga hati dan perasaan pasangannya dan sentiasa menggembirakan
isterinya. Mereka juga akan bertanggungjawab dalam menguruskan urusan rumahtangga, dan bekerjasama dengan isterinya.

Sabda Rasulullah: Orang yang terbaik diantara kamu adalah orang yang terbaik terhadap isterinya, dan aku adalah orang yang terbaik diantara kamu terhadap isteriku. ( HR Ibnu Majah )

Tauladan Rasulullah Dalam kehidupan berkeluarga.......

A: Keadaan beliau sebagai suami dan ayah B: Kebiasaan beliau di tengah kehidupan bekeluarga C: Cinta kasih beliau terhadap isteri dan anak.


Posted by Lynn Ross at 3:50 pm | 1 comments
Salahuddin Yusuf Ibn Ayyub, also called Al-Malik An-Nasir Salahuddin Yusuf was born in 1137/38 C.E. Tikrit, Mesopotamia and died March 4, 1193, in Damascus. He later became the Muslim sultan of Egypt, Syria, Yemen, and Palestine, founder of the Ayyubid dynasty, and one of the most famous of Muslim heroes. In wars against the Christian crusaders, he achieved final success with the disciplined capture of Jerusalem (Oct. 2, 1187), ending its 88-year occupation by the Franks. The great Christian counterattack of the Third Crusade was then stalemated by his military genius.

Salahuddin was born into a prominent Kurdish family. On the night of his birth, his father, Najm ad-Din Ayyub, gathered his family and moved to Aleppo, there entering the service of 'Imad ad-Din Zangi ibn Aq Sonqur, the powerful Turkish governor in northern Syria. Growing up in Ba'lbek and Damascus, Salahuddin was apparently an undistinguished youth, with a great taste for religious studies over military training.

His formal career began when he joined the staff of his uncle Asad ad-Din Shirkuh, an important military commander under the emir, Nureddin, who was the son and successor of Zangi. During three military expeditions led by Shirkuh into Egypt to prevent its falling to the Latin-Christian (Frankish) rulers of the states established by the First Crusade, a complex, three-way struggle
developed between Amalric I, the Latin king of Jerusalem; Shawar, the powerful vizier of the Egyptian Fatimid caliph; and Shirkuh. After Shirkuh's death and after ordering Shawar's assassination, Salahuddin in 1169 at the age of 31, was appointed both commander of the Syrian troops in Egypt and vizier of the Fatimid Caliphate there. His relatively quick rise to power must be attributed to his own emerging talents. As vizier of Egypt, he received the title king (Malik),
although he was generally known as the sultan.

Salahuddin's position was further enhanced when, in 1171, he abolished the weak and unpopular Shiite Fatimid Caliphate, proclaimed a return to Sunni Islam in Egypt, and became that country's sole ruler. Although he remained for a time, theoretically, a vassal of Nureddin, that relationship ended with the Syrian emir's death in 1174. Using his rich agricultural possessions in Egypt as a financial base, Salahuddin soon moved into Syria with a small but strictly disciplined army to claim the regency on behalf of the young son of his former suzerain.

Soon, however, he abandoned this claim, and from 1174 until 1186 he zealously pursued a goal of uniting, under his own standard, all the Muslim territories of Syria, northern Mesopotamia, Palestine, and Egypt. This he accomplished by skillful diplomacy backed, when necessary, by the swift and resolute use of military force. Gradually, his reputation grew as a generous and virtuous but firm ruler, devoid of pretense, licentiousness, and cruelty. In contrast to the bitter dissension and intense rivalry that had up to then hampered the Muslims in their resistance to the crusaders, Salahuddin's singleness of purpose induced them to rearm both physically and spiritually.

Salahuddin's every act was inspired by an intense and unwavering devotion to the idea of jihad against the Christian crusaders. It was an essential part of his policy to encourage the growth and spread of Muslim religious institutions. He courted its scholars and preachers, founded colleges and mosques for their use, and commissioned them to write edifying works, especially on the jihad itself. Through moral regeneration, which was a genuine part of his own way of
life, he tried to re-create in his own realm some of the same zeal and enthusiasm that had proved so valuable to the first generations of Muslims when, five centuries before, they had conquered half the known world.

Salahuddin also succeeded in turning the military balance of power in his favor - more by uniting and disciplining a great number of unruly forces than by employing new or improved military techniques. When at last, in 1187, he was able to throw his full strength into the struggle with the Latin Crusader kingdoms, his armies were their equals. On July 4, 1187, by the permission of Allah, using his own good military sense and by a phenomenal lack of it on the part of his enemy, Salahuddin trapped and destroyed, in one blow, an exhausted and thirst-crazed army of crusaders at Hattin, near Tiberias in northern Palestine.

So great were the losses in the ranks of the crusaders in this one battle that the Muslims were quickly able to overrun nearly the entire Kingdom of Jerusalem. Acre, Toron, Beirut, Sidon, Nazareth, Caesarea, Nabulus, Jaffa (Yafo), and Ascalon (Ashqelon) fell within three months. But Salahuddin's crowning achievement and the most disastrous blow to the whole crusading movement came on Oct. 2, 1187, when Jerusalem, holy to both Muslims and Christians alike,
surrendered to Salahuddin's army after 88 years in the hands of the Franks. In stark contrast to the city's conquest by the Christians, when blood flowed freely during the barbaric slaughter of its inhabitants, the Muslim reconquest was marked by the civilized and courteous behavior of Salahuddin and his troops.

His sudden success, which in 1189 saw the crusaders reduced to the occupation of only three cities, was, however, marred by his failure to capture Tyre, an almost impregnable coastal fortress to which the scattered Christian survivors of the recent battles flocked. It was to be the rallying point of the Latin counterattack. Most probably, Salahuddin did not anticipate the European reaction to his capture of Jerusalem, an event that deeply shocked the West and
to which it responded with a new call for a crusade. In addition to many great nobles and famous knights, this crusade, the third, brought the kings of three countries into the struggle. The magnitude of the Christian effort and the lasting impression it made on contemporaries gave the name of Salahuddin, as their gallant and chivalrous enemy, an added luster that his military victories alone could never confer on him.

The Crusade itself was long and exhausting and, despite the obvious, though at times impulsive, military genius of Richard I - the Lion-Heart - it achieved almost nothing. Therein lies the greatest - but often unrecognized - achievement of Salahuddin. With tired and unwilling feudal levies, committed to fight only a limited season each year, his indomitable will enabled him to fight the greatest champions of Christendom to a draw. The crusaders retained little more than a precarious foothold on the Levantine coast, and when King Richard left the Middle East in October 1192, the battle was over. Salahuddin withdrew to his capital in Damascus.

Soon, the long campaigning seasons and the endless hours in the saddle caught up with him, and he died. While his relatives were already scrambling for pieces of the empire, his friends found that the most powerful and most generous ruler in the Muslim world had not left enough money to pay for his own grave. Salahuddin's family continued to rule over Egypt and neighboring lands as the Ayyubid dynasty, which succumbed to the Mamluks in 1250.
Posted by Lynn Ross at 3:15 pm | 0 comments
Friday, February 03, 2006

The greatest concern of the conversant Muslim reformer is to raise a new Muslim generation that deserves to be named- the generation of victory. This is the first priority of our nation.

A generation that brings Islam to its pure springs, understands it rightly and completely, free from redundancy and blemishes. It is not an Islam of myths in its doctrines; of 'Bid’a' (innovation/heresy) in devotions, negativity in morals, inactivity, imitation and fanaticism to one school of 'Fiqh' (jurisprudence) over another. But it is the Islam, revealed in the Holy Qur’an, propagated by the Noble Messenger (peace be upon him/ PBUH), in which the Companions believed; by which the rightly guided Caliphs of the Prophet (PBUH) ruled; upon which a sound lofty civilization was erected. A civilization that linked the earth to the heaven, led the world by religion and brought knowledge and assuredness together.

It is the Islam of the Qur’an and 'Sunnah' (Prophet Muhammad's Tradition), of truth and strength, learning and acting, 'Jihad' and Ijtihad (juristic reasoning), and of comprehensiveness and balance.

It is the Islam of individual dignity, family ties, social solidarity, Shura (ruling by counsel), productivity, and fairness in distribution of duties and rights.

Islam redirects the entire individual’s life for the sake of Allah, the Most High, namely, no ulterior motives, no conflict; as the purpose is united, the direction is fixed, and the path is clear:

“Say: ‘My prayer, my service of sacrifice, my living and my dying, [all] belong to Allah, the Lord of the Universe.’” (Qur’an 6:162)

It is Islam that makes the whole life of the society for the sake of Allah, the Most High. It cannot o be divided into two conflicting powers: one portion, called “the state, ” for Caesar; and the other, called “religion” for God, because Caesar and his state both belong to Allah, the One and the Alone.

Islam invites to justice even if it is for the interest of its deadliest enemies:

“…and let not the enmity and hatred of others make you avoid justice. Be just, that is nearer to piety; and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is All-Acquainted with what you do.” (5:8)

It also forbids aggression even if it was on its most hostile adversaries:

“…and let not ill-will towards any folk lead you to transgression, just because they blocked your way to the Sacred Mosque (the Ka'bah in Mecca), so that you act aggressively; and cooperate with one another for virtue and heedfulness, and do not cooperate with one another for the purpose of vice and aggression. And heed Allah [Alone].” (5:2)

Islam fights the atheist Communists and the Capitalists, and rejects class struggle and oppressive sects. It calls for religiosity that instills love; not for sectarianism that inculcates grudge.

Islam also fights oppressive rulers and the oppressors’ rule. It is Islam that says to the ruler: “Do not oppress” and to the people: “Do not cringe.” It teaches the Muslim to supplicate in his 'Salah' (prayer):

“O Allah! We do thank You and refuse to be ungrateful; we cast and abandon whoever disobeys You.”

Islam makes the best type of 'Jihad (struggle)'; i.e. "Speaking the truth before a tyrant ruler.”

It aids the weak till they get their rights from the strong and fights the rich, should they abstain from paying 'Zakah' (poor-due) to the poor. It urges believers to fight:

“…for Allah’s sake, and for those weak, ill-treated and oppressed among men, women and children.” (4:75)

This is Islam (of the Qur’an and 'Sunnah') as understood, believed in and invited to by such a desired generation. It is Islam that has illuminated the minds and hearts of past generations. With its guidance they realized their goal, made their way to glory, knew themselves and their
Lord, their religion, world, heritage, age, life, friends and foes. With Islam one would know who shows him the way and who wants to mislead and derail him off the right track.

Translated by Amin E. Shahata


Posted by Lynn Ross at 2:43 pm | 0 comments
While all the messengers appointed by Allah were charged by Him with the responsibility to disseminate the revealed guidance with which they were entrusted, their respective nations too, were called upon to share in the fulfillment of Allah’s orders. Allah reminds in the Holy Qur’an:

“And remember Allah took a covenant form the people of the Book to make it known and clear to mankind,
and not to hide it…”
(Qur’an 3:187)

The position of the Muslim 'Ummah' (community), in this respect is clear in the Qur’an:

“You are the best ‘Ummah’ evolved for mankind; you enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong…” (Qur’an 3:110)

Thus Allah Almighty has honoured this Muslim Ummah by appointing it to share in the noble cause of its prophet by inviting people to follow the straight path. The Qur’an further stresses that:

“The believing men and women are each other’s protectors; they enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong.” While, “the hypocrite men and women are each other’s protectors, they enjoin what is wrong and forbid what is right. (9:71)

Hence the truth emerges clearly that “to enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong” constitutes a fundamental difference between a believer and a hypocrite who pretends to be a believer when he is quite the reverse. Consequently, all members of the Muslim Ummah, men and women alike, are individually responsible to further the cause of Islam with the zeal, determination and sense of sacrifice of the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions.

That the companions did their utmost, individually and collectively, to convey the light of Islam to all people even outside the Arabian Peninsula is demonstrated by the lengthy and dangerous journeys they took reaching the Atlantic Ocean in the west and the Wall of China in the East. Countless distinguished companions breathed their last in faraway and foreign lands preaching Islam, for which their sacrifices knew no bounds.

At this point some commonplace misconceptions ought to be cleared. To call all peoples of the world to Allah is the duty of every responsible and conscientious Muslim. Since there is no priesthood in Islam or sacerdotal class among Muslims, the duty of the call to Allah cannot be transferred to an ill-conceived and imaginary group called “men of religion.” In Islam everyone is a man of religion and every man will be accountable to Allah as to whether he fulfilled his obligations sincerely and to the best of his abilities or not. The following verse of the Qur’an should be very enlightening in this respect:

“Say (O Muhammad) this is my way I do invite unto Allah, on evidence clear as the seeing with one’s eyes, - I and whoever follows me. Glory to Allah! And never will I be of those who associate partners to Allah.” (Al-Qur’an 12:108)

Thus, anyone who rightly claims to be a follower of the Prophet (PBUH), peace be upon him, cannot evade his duty to call people to Allah.

The following prophetic traditions amply elucidate this point:

“Let those who witness inform those who are absent.” (Bukhari)

The word “witness” here is taken to mean anyone who possesses some Islamic knowledge. The Prophet (PBUH) is reported to have said:

Preach on my behalf even with just one verse. (verse here is referring to a verse from the Qur'an)

Therefore, one does not have to be a profound scholar or a great jurist to call people to Islam. No doubt a person well-versed in Islamic sciences would be able to speak more authoritatively and he would be in a position to explain matters of religion to the minutest details. However, a high level of scholarship is not a prerequisite to call others to Islam. Everyone’s effort has a definite gap to fill. A Muslim scholar will address his counterpart with a refined style and scholarly content while a Muslim layman will have to reason out with his equals in practical terms, each having a role complementary to the other’s.

Every individual of the Muslim Ummah is obliged to be actively engaged in whatever way he can to guide people to the right path and support, morally as well as materially, those who labor to discharge this responsibility. A common misconception that found appeal even among earlier Muslim generations and which still lingers on to this day stems from failure to comprehend the meaning of the following Qur’anic verse in the proper context:

“O you who believe! You are responsible for your own souls. The misguided one will not harm you if you are guided on the right path.” (5:105)

In all fairness to oneself, the above verse does not connote, by any stretch of imagination, that a so-called pious or saintly person may absolve himself of the responsibility to call mankind to truth simply by thinking that evil would not knock at his door, on account of his being pure and peaceful. Regardless of how pious one may appear to be, he can never equal the Prophet (PBUH) or excel his companions in their moral perfection, sincerity of worship and religious devotion.

None of the Prophet's companions ever dreamt of resigning from the noble task of inviting nations of the east and the west to eternal bliss and salvation offered by Allah through Islam. It was precisely to correct this wrong notion about the verse that Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) issued the following warning:

“O people, verily you read this exalted verse and put it in a place other than its own. Whereas I heard the Apostle of Allah saying: ‘Verily if people see a cruel person and they do not prevent him, Allah may punish all of them.”'

So fulfill your obligation to Allah and His Messenger. Learn what you are able and convey the Truth – Islam – to those whom you come in contact with. Because calling to Islam is truly the Duty of all Muslims.

Posted by Lynn Ross at 2:26 pm | 0 comments
The image of the typical Muslim woman wearing the veil and forced to stay home and forbidden to drive is all too common in most peoples thoughts.

The status of women in Islam is often the target of attacks in the media. The ‘hijab’ or the Islamic dress is cited by many as an example of the ‘subjugation’ of women under Islamic law. Before mentioning the reasoning behind the religiously mandated ‘hijab’ (the Muslim woman’s code of dress), let us first study the status of women in societies before the advent of Islam. In the past women were degraded and generally used as objects of lust.

The following are examples from history which amply illustrate the fact that the status of women in earlier civilizations was very low to the extent that they were denied basic human dignity:

A. Babylonian Civilization:

Women were degraded and denied all rights under the Babylonian law. If a man murdered a woman, instead of him being punished, his wife was put to death.

B. Greek Civilization:

Greek Civilization is considered the most glorious of all ancient civilizations. Under this very ‘glorious’ system, women were deprived of all rights and were looked down upon. In Greek mythology, an ‘imaginary woman’ called ‘Pandora’ is the root cause of misfortune of human beings. The Greeks considered women to be subhuman and inferior to men. Prostitution became a regular practice amongst all classes of Greek society.

C. Roman Civilization:

When Roman Civilization was at the zenith of its ‘glory’, a man even had the right to take the life of his wife. A Prostitution and nudity were common practice amongst the Romans.

D. Egyptian Civilization:

The Egyptians considered women to be evil and a sign of a devil.

E. Pre-Islamic Arabia:

Before Islam spread in Arabia, the Arabs looked down upon women and very often when a female child was born, she was buried alive.

When Islam came, it uplifted women and gave them equality and expected them to maintain their status. Islam raised the status of women and granted them their just rights 1400 years ago.

Too often the image of a covered woman is used to represent what much of the world views as oppression. Her very existence is described in terms that convey ignorance and unhappiness. Words like, beaten, repressed and oppressed are bandied about by some media in a desperate attempt to convince the readers that women in Islam have no rights. Descriptive and intrinsically oppressive terms such as shrouded and shackled are used to portray an image of women who have no minds and who are the slaves or possessions of their husbands and fathers. This is a misconception of the real image of women in Islam.

In Islam, a woman has the basic freedom of choice and expression based on recognition of her individual personality. A Muslim woman chooses her husband and keeps her name after marriage. A Muslim woman's testimony is valid in legal disputes. In fact, in areas in which women are more familiar, their evidence is considered to be conclusive.

In Islam women are encouraged in Islam to contribute their opinions and ideas. There are many traditions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him/PBUH) which illustrate how women would pose questions directly to him and offer their opinions concerning religion, economics and social matters.

The reason why ‘Hijab’ is prescribed for women is mentioned in the Qur’an in the following verses of Surah (chapter) Al-Ahzab:

"O Prophet! Tell your wives and daughters, and the believing women to bring down over themselves (part) of their outer garments. That is most convenient that they should be known (as chaste, believing women) and not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." [Al-Qur’an 33:59]

The Qur’an says that ‘Hijab’ has been prescribed for women so that they are recognized as being modest women and this will also prevent them from being molested.

Suppose two sisters who are twins, and who are equally beautiful, walk down the street. One of them is attired in the Islamic ‘hijab’, i.e. the complete body is covered, except for the face and the hands up to the wrists. The other sister is wearing western clothes, a mini skirt or shorts. Just around the corner there is a hooligan or ruffian who is waiting for a catch, to tease a girl. Whom will he tease? The girl wearing the Islamic Hijab or the girl wearing the skirt or the mini? Naturally, he will tease the girl wearing the skirt or the mini. Such dresses are an indirect invitation to the opposite sex for teasing and molestation. The Qur’an rightly says that hijab prevents women from being molested.

Under the Islamic ‘shariah’ (law), a man convicted of having raped a woman, is given capital punishment. Many are astonished at this ‘harsh’ sentence. Some even say that Islam is a ruthless, barbaric religion! I have asked a simple question to hundreds of non-Muslim men. Suppose, God forbid, someone rapes your wife, your mother or your sister. You are made the judge and the rapist is brought in front of you. What punishment would you give him? All of them said they would put him to death. Some went to the extent of saying they would torture him to death. To them I ask, if someone rapes your wife or your mother you want to put him to death. But if the same crime is committed on somebody else’s wife or daughter you say capital punishment is barbaric. Why should there be double standards?

Western society falsely claims to have uplifted women

In western countries where liberation encompasses unlimited freedom, women are actually finding themselves living lives that are unsatisfying and meaningless. In their quest for liberation they have abandoned the ideals of morality and stability and found themselves in marriages and families that bear little resemblance to "real life". What is liberating about working all day and coming home at night to the housework. What is liberating about having babies who, at six weeks old, can be deposited in child care centers to learn their behavior and morality from strangers.

Western talk of women’s liberation is nothing but a disguised form of exploitation of her body, degradation of her soul, and deprivation of her honor. Western society claims to have ‘uplifted’ women. On the contrary, it has actually degraded them to the status of concubines, mistresses and society butterflies who are mere tools in the hands of pleasure seekers and sex marketers.

In conclusion, The Muslim woman was given a role, duties and rights 1400 years ago that most women do not enjoy today, even in the West. These are from God and are designed to keep balance in society; what may seem unjust or missing in one place is compensated for or explained in another place.
Posted by Lynn Ross at 2:00 pm | 0 comments
GAZA (AFP) - Islamic militants threatened to kill European nationals as the crisis over cartoons of Mohammed intensified, while in Europe more media rallied in support of freedom of expression and refused to give way to Muslim anger.

Two armed Palestinian groups, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs brigades and the Popular Resistance Committee, said they considered as legitimate targets any citizen of France, Denmark and Norway, the three countries where 12 irreverent depictions of the prophet have been printed in their entirety.

Gunmen forced the closure of the EU's headquarters in Gaza City, and in the West Bank Norway said it was shutting its mission in response to the threats which it was taking "very seriously."

Demonstrations were staged in Pakistan where protesters in Lahore and Multan chanted "Death to Denmark" and burned Danish and French flags.

Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai condemned publication of the cartoons as "an insult to more than one billion Muslims," while Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak warned of "the near and long term repercussions of the campaign of insults" which could lead to "radicalism and terrorism."

Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Lebanon's radical Shiite movement Hezbollah said that if Muslims had killed British writer Salman Rushdie in accordance with the 1989 religious edict from Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, then "this rabble who insult our prophet Mohammed ... would not have dared to do so."

What began in September as a smouldering row over a Danish paper's decision to publish images of Mohammed turned into a major diplomatic stand-off after a Norwegian magazine followed suit last month, sparking a series of denunciations and trade boycotts across the Muslim world.

On Wednesday stand-off turned to crisis as French newspaper France-Soir reprinted all 12 cartoons, one of which portrays the prophet with a bomb-shaped turban and another shows him warning suicide bombers at the gates of heaven that there are no more virgins.

With Europe and the Muslim world glaring in mutual incomprehension, calls to smooth over the crisis were ignored as more publications said they would print the pictures as a matter of principle.

In France the authoritative daily Le Monde published its own front-page depiction of Mohammed: a drawing by cartoonist Plantu showing a bearded prophet made up of the words "I must not draw Mohammed" written repeatedly in long-hand in the style of a schoolboy's punishment lines.

"A Muslim may well be shocked by a picture of Mohammed, especially an ill-intentioned one. But a democracy cannot start policing people's opinions, except by trampling the rights of man underfoot," Le Monde said in an editorial.

The left-wing newspaper Liberation said it would publish two of the 12 cartoons in its Friday edition along with six pages of comment on the affair, while the satirical weekly Charlie-Hebdo said next week's paper will feature all 12 pictures.

"We are going to do it as a matter of principle and to express solidarity with France Soir and our Danish colleagues," said editor Philippe Val.

"This is an inviolable question of principle here in the land of Voltaire and Zola. We are willing to appear before the courts if some think the drawings go too far, but we are certainly not willing to give way to the desires of religious extremists," he said.

Meanwhile the editor of France Soir, Jacques Lefranc, who was sacked overnight by the paper's French-Egyptian owner Raymond Lakah because of the cartoons, challenged his dismissal saying it was "questionable in both reasoning and method. I reserve the option to contest it."

Several newspapers in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland have printed single images of the cartoons to illustrate their news stories.

In Jordan gossip tabloid Al-Shihan defiantly published three of the cartoons, as well as an editorial which began: "Muslims of the world, be reasonable. "What brings more prejudice against Islam, these caricatures or pictures of a hostage-taker slashing the throat of his victim in front of the cameras or a suicide bomber who blows himself up during a wedding ceremony in Amman?" the paper asked.

In London the BBC broadcast grabs of the cartoons as they appeared in newspapers.

"To give audiences an understanding of the strong feelings evoked by the story, as part of our report we show brief glimpses of the newspaper coverage of the cartoons.

We are only showing these within the context of full reports of the debate," the BBC said
Posted by Lynn Ross at 1:41 pm | 0 comments
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
:)) Sebelum apa², anaa nak mulakan dengan senyum :)) banyak² :)) :))

Happy juga anaa malam ni. Alhamdulillah.. Hari ni anaa dapat kawan baru. Tapi kami hanya kenal thru friendster and now kami hanya berutus email. Bertalu², bertubi². seems getting interesting pulak. :))

Dia jauh nun disana. Seronok juga bila ada kawan pelbagai bangsa dari seluruh pelusuk dunia. Yang mana dia tahu hormat kita, terutama bab-bab AGAMA. Paling anaa suka dan senang nak berkawan dgn orang macam ni. Moga² ALLAH buka hati/jalan pada orang yang baik² seperti ini untuk menjadi umatnya yang halal. Insya ALLAH.

Posted by Lynn Ross at 11:48 pm | 0 comments
Khas Untuk Dewasa
dan Kanak-kanak 15 tahun dan ke atas.

Kursus Penghayatan Solat Sempurna
Dan Muhasabah Diri

Tarikh :
05 Februari 2006 (Ahad)

Bimbingan :
Ust Hj Zaharuddin Hj Abd Rahman
B.A ( Hons), Usuluddin, Universiti Malaya
M.A, Shari’ah (Jayyid Jiddan), Universiti Al-Yarmouk, Jordan
Tawliah Mengajar dari Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (JAWI) . No Rujukan : pmwp/600/2klt.6(138)

Auditorium, Kompleks Taman Seni Islam, Shah Alam

(Bersebelahan Masjid Negeri Selangor)
No 2A, Persiaran Damai, Seksyen 10, 40100, Shah Alam,
Tel : 03 - 5511 9001/9002/9003

8.30 pagi – 6.30 petang

RM 55
( merangkumi 3 kali makan minum dan kertas kerja )

Hubungi Puan Hamidah di 019-388 5486 atau email ke

Boleh membuat pembayaran yuran di akaun
a) Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad secara bank in atau fund transfer.
No akaun : 1404 1010 0476 03
atas nama “Pusat Pengajian At-Tibyan”.

Dan maklumkan pembayaran anda kepada nombor di atas. Dan bawa slip atau tanda pembyaran semasa kursus nanti.

Assalamualaikum wrt wbh,

· Begitu sukar ingin menunaikan solat ?
· Bagaimana untuk solat sedangkan tiada ilmu bagi melakukannya, MALAH untuk mempelajarinya juga memakan masa yang terlampau panjang.?
· Sukar untuk mempelajarinya dalam suasana sibuk bekerja dan kehidupan seharian.?
· Suasana masjid dan surau juga kadangkala tidak begitu menggalakkan bagi sesetengah individu.
KINI, Anda boleh memulakan hidup baru dengan mempelajari solat sepenuhnya dalam MASA SATU HARI SAHAJA dengan kaedah pembentangan yang menarik dan hidup menggunakan persembahan Power Point terkini dan kertas kerja serta selingan nasyid-nasyid dan video menyentuh jiwa ..!! PASTI…
Kursus ini bakal menghidangkan tentang pericara menunaikan solat dengan sempurna berdasarkan dalil-dalil yang kukuh, agar kita mampu menuruti cara solat yang terbaik!.
Justeru, daftarlah segera bagi memulakan hidup baru dengan solat yang lebih sempurna serta mempelajari teori dan kaedah mendapatkan khusyu' di dalam Solat.
Dengan pelaburan yuran sebanyak RM 55 sahaja anda boleh :-
· Keluarkan diri anda daripada solat secara ikut-ikut selama ini.
· Keluarkan diri anda daripada kesukaran mempelajari ilmu tentang solat.
· Dapatkan kaedah bagaimana memperolehi khusyu' di dalam solat kita.
· Ajarkan ilmu yang diperolehi kepda anak dan keluarga kita.
· Jangan lepaskan peluang mengaudit sendiri setiap pergerakan solat anda.
· Mendengar kupasan ilmiah dan menarik tentang dalil dan ketetapan hukum darinya.

Beberapa Komen Peserta Kursus Kesempurnaan Solat & Muhasabah Diri

1) Kursus ini sangat bagus untuk menyedarkan seluruh umat Islam yang kian leka, saya dapat banyak informasi yang baru dan dapat meningkat ketaqwaan dan ketakutan kepada azab Allah kelak.
- Siti Nurul Huda - Kota Damansara, Petaling Jaya, Tel : 016-224 3080
2) First class speaker ! full of substance delivered with Hikmah & humor. A very useful and very effective course.
- Hisham Bin Othman – Chief Executive Officer . Shah Alam . Tel : 012- 210 9494 . email :
3) Bagi yang ingin mencapai kecermerlangan dunia dan akhirat, perbaikilah solat , sertai kursus ini. InsyaAllah matlamat akan tercapai.
- Yuslina Yaakob – Banker , RHB Bank Berhad. Tel : 012-553 6793
4) Ianya sangat menyentuh hati dan sangat berkesan dan ianya amat sesuai bagi semua golongan.
- Asma Bt Mohd Isa – Pengurus, Telekom Malaysia Berhad. Tel : 013-364 3025
5) Well done !! I personally have gained A LOT here! Not just on “solat” but I learnt more, TQ ! Alhamdulillah I thank God for coming today ! This is just the beginning . Tq very much.
- Nurul Farhana Adnan – Executive, Maybank Berhad. Tel : 012- 225 7875
6) Amat baik, tidak ternilai ilmu dan pengetahuan dan kesedaran diperolehi daripada program ini.
- Nazrol Hafiz Bin Nazlan – Manager, SERAI Solutions, Tel : 013-358 3553
7) Kursus ini sungguh menyedar dan menginsafkan saya. Perkara selama ini saya tidak tahu hukumnya, sekarag telah tahu. Terima kasih kepada penceramah.
- Ahmad Kamil Hafiz Bin KaamarulZamil – Pelajar . Tel : 03-5634 3072
8) Inilah kursus yang saya cari selama ini bagi memperelokkan kesempurnaan solat, mudah-mudahan ia memberi kesan mendalam dan lebih yakin semasa solat.
- Safar Bin Kasim- Executive, Asian Crystal Sdn Bhd . Tel : 012-212 7967
9) Sesungguhnya kursus ini adalah pelaburan akhirat yang tidak sepatutnya dilepaskan ! .
- Mohd Hassan Che Haat . Tel : 012- 289 9420
10) Its just great even for someone who does not have strong Islamic education . Kursus ini menjadikan solat sesuatu yang mudah untuk diamalkan sekarang bukannya satu beban seperti dulu, Thanx a lot to Ust Hj Zaharuddin, looking forward to more of his course.
- Elaina Sukaimi – Marketiing Exec, KDU Smart School Sdn Bhd. Tel : 016- 913 7265
11) Memberi kesan yang mendalam – Abeeda Sulaiman , Chef, Concorde Hotel KL. Tel : 019-282 1773
12) Sangat baik kerana dapat memperbetulkan kesalahan-kesalahan yang tidak perasan sewaktu solat dan perkara-perkara ilmu yang berkaitan dengan solat dan kehidupan ini.
- Zulkifli Abdullah- Pengurus, RAPID KL SDN BHD, Tel : 03-8075 6790
13) Sangat baik untuk memantapkan serta meningkatkan kekhusyukan solat, kursus ini berjaya meningkat mutu solat serta menjawab pelbagai persoalan.
- Faziyaah Bt Abd Rahim- Pengurus, Bank Rakyat. Tel : 03-2612 9600
14) Syabas, ceramah agama paling best, metodologi penyampaian terbaik, keep it up!
- Mazlina Mohd Noor- Banker, RHB Bank Berhad . Tel 013- 3745776
15) Benar-benar membuka minda dan pengetahuan baru kepada yang benar-benar memerlukannya.
Wan Hasreena Wan Omar – Executive, Malaysia Airports Bhd. Tel : 012- 202 5287
16) Mengikuti kursus ini banyak membantu saya dalam tertib dan amalan-amalan dalam solat. Selama ini kita tidak sedar samada perbuatan kita betul atau salah.
- Adora Bt Abu Hasan – Pembantu Tadbir, Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM). Tel : 03-6204 6330
17) Inilah kursus yang selama ini saya cari dan barulah saya mengtehaui mana yang betul dan salah dalam amalan solat, yang selama ini dilakukan secara ikut-ikut .
- Engku Ahmad Kamel, Ketua Pegawai Operasi, Aldwich Sdn Bhd .

Posted by Lynn Ross at 9:10 pm | 0 comments
Suatu hari seorang bayi siap untuk dilahirkan ke dunia...

Dia bertanya kepada Tuhan : "Para malaikat disini mengatakan bahawa besok Engkau akan mengirimkan saya kedunia, tetapi bagaimana cara saya hidup disana ; saya begitu kecil dan lemah ?"

Dan Tuhan menjawab: "Aku telah memilih satu malaikat untukmu. Ia akan menjaga dan mengasihimu ."

Bayi bertanya lagi: "Tetapi disini; didalam syurga ini, apa yang saya lakukan hanyalah bernyanyi, bermain dan tertawa...Inikan sudah cukup bagi saya untuk berbahagia."

"Malaikatmu akan bernyanyi dan tersenyum untukmu setiap hari. Dan kamu akan merasakan kehangatan cintanya dan menjadi lebih berbahagia"

"Dan bagaimana bisa saya mengerti disaat orang-orang berbicara kepada saya jika saya tidak mengerti bahasa mereka ?" "Malaikatmu akan berbicara kepadamu dengan bahasa yang paling indah yang pernah kamu dengar; dan dengan penuh kesabaran dan perhatian. Dia akan mengajar kepadamu cara berbicara."

"Dan apa yang akan saya lakukan saat saya ingin berbicara kepadaMu ?" " Malaikatmu akan mengajarkan bagaimana cara kamu berdoa"

"Saya mendengar bahawa di Bumi banyak orang jahat. Siapa yang akan melindungi saya ?"

"Malaikatmu akan melindungimu; walaupun hal tersebut mungkin akan mengancam jiwanya"

"Tapi, saya pasti akan merasa sedih kerana tidak melihatMu lagi"

"Malaikatmu akan menceritakan kepadamu tentang Aku, dan akan mengajarkan bagaimana agar kamu bisa kembali kepadaKu; walaupun sesungguhnya Aku akan sentiasa disisimu"

Disaat itu, Syurga begitu tenang dan heningnya sehingga suara dari Bumi dapat terdengar, dan sang bayi bertanya perlahan : "Tuhan, jika saya harus pergi sekarang, bisakah Kamu memberitahuku nama malaikat tersebut ?"

"Kamu akan memanggil malaikatmu itu: " IBU "

Ingatlah sentiasa kasih sayang dan pengorbanan ibu. Berbakti, berdoa dan cintailah dia sepanjang masa..... Dialah sesatunya harta yang tiada galang gantinya dunia akhirat....

Dan untuk para ibu, ingatlah kisah ini dikala kamu hilang sabar dengan karenah anak- anak yang sedang membesar...sesungguhnya Syurga itu dibawah telapak kakimu...

(credit to Jozz)
Posted by Lynn Ross at 3:31 pm | 0 comments
Rupa-rupanya ada cerita kalau kita lewatkan sembahyang kita yea. Jika berpuasa Amalan kita direct terus padaNya tapi jika bersembahyang ada posmen pula untuk hantar amalan kita padaNya Kisahnya?..

Setiap kita ada malaikat. Malaikat yang hantar amalan sembahyang kita pada Ilahi. Untuk sampaikan amalan kita, Ia melalui tol-tol di setiap lapisan langit dimana setiap penjaga tol, Kroni malaikat juga. Jika sembahyang di awal waktu, Tolnya "free". Sekatan tol tiada Tiada "jem". Malaikat terus sampaikan amalan pada Tuhan. Untuk dinilaikan.

Tapi Jika sembahyang di akhir waktu, Tol free juga, Tapi sekatannya, MasyaAllah?.

Di langit pertama, Penjaga tol marahkan posmen kita, Kenapa lewat poskan amalan kita. Merayu-rayu posmen malaikat kita, Minta diberi laluan, Tetapi? penjaga langit pertama Tidak heran dicampakkan amalan lewat sembahyang tadi ke bumi. Maka. jatuh berderai? Dikutip semula oleh Malaikat posmen kita, Satu persatu dikutip. Sambil terus merayu untuk ke lapisan langit ke-dua.

Dilangit kedua, Samalah juga, Bebelan malaikat kerana lewat hantar amalan. Merayu lagi kawan kita. Tak dipedulinya. Lalu dilemparkan amalan lewat sembahyang kita tadi jatuh berderai lagi. Dikutip satu persatu amalan kita. Dirayu lagi untuk diserahkan amalan kita pada Tuhan.

Dilangit ketiga, Laaaa?. Kena basuh lagi malaikat posmen kita. Kenapa lewat hantar amalan tersebut. Tiada kompromi. Terus dibaling amalan kita. Jatuh berderai amalan kita tak ade nilai?. Dan tiada lagi dikutip dan dirayu lagi. Maka, Tak sampailah amalan kita kepada Allah. Seolah-olah kita tak sembahyang juga. Maka, Bersedialah kita menerima pembalasannya. Tak di dunia di akhirat pula. Hilang duit, Hati risau, Tender ditolak, Ujian bertimpa-timpa....Ish?.

Tak berbaloikan kita buat amal Tapi tak sampai, Dahlah tu...Tak de nilai. Kena azab lagi nanti

Ya Allah !!!Ampunkan kami kerana lalai ! Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pengampun Lagi Maha Penyayang Jadikan hati kami, suka sembahyang di awal waktu. Gawatkan hati kami selagi kami tak segerakan. Biarlah kami gawat di dunia. Agar kami tidak gawat lagi Di hari akhirat kelak.

(credit to Jozz)
Posted by Lynn Ross at 3:26 pm | 0 comments
Beruntungnya seorang wanita yg ada rahim ini ialah dia bekerja dengan Tuhan... jadi 'kilang' manusia. Tiap-tiap bulan dia diberi cuti bergaji penuh... 7 sehingga 15 hari sebulan dia tak wajib sembahyang tetapi Allah anggap diwaktu itu sembahyang terbaik darinya. Cuti bersalin juga sehingga 60 hari. Cuti ini bukan cuti suka hati tapi cuti yang Allah beri sebab dia bekerja dengan Allah. Orang lelaki tak ada cuti dari sembahyang...sembahyang wajib baginya dari baligh sehingga habis nyawanya.

Satu lagi berita gembira untuk wanita, sepanjang dia mengandung Allah
sentiasa mengampunkan dosanya, lahir saja bayi seluruh dosanya habis. Inilah
nikmat Tuhan beri kepada wanita, jadi kenapa perlu takut nak beranak? Marilah kita pegang kepada tali Allah. Seandainya wanita itu mati sewaktu bersalin, itu dianggap mati syahid Allah izinkan terus masuk Syurga. Untuk orang kafir dia tak dapat masuk Syurga tapi Allah beri kelonggaran siksa kubur.

Untuk peringatan semua wanita yang bersuami seluruh kebaikan suaminya, semuanya isteri dapat pahala tetapi dosa-dosa suami dia tak tanggung. Di akhirat nanti seorang wanita solehah akan terperanjat dengan pahala extra yang banyak dia terima diatas segala kebaikan suaminya yang tak disedari.

Bila dia lihat suaminya tengah terhegeh-hegeh di titian Sirat dia tak nak masuk syurga tanpa suaminya, jadi dia pun memberi pahalanya kepada suami untuk lepas masuk syurga.

Di dunia lagi, kalau suami dalam kesusahan isteri boleh bantu tambah lagi di
akhirat. Kalau seorang isteri asyik merungut, mulut selalu muncung terhadap
suami dia tak akan dapat pahala extra ini. Manakala suami pula mempunyai
tugas-tugas berat di dalam dan di luar rumah, segala dosa-dosa anak isteri yang tak dididik dia akan tanggung ditambah lagi dengan dosa-dosa yang lain"

Dinasihatkan kepada semua wanita supaya faham akan syariat Allah agar tidak derhaka denganNya....

(credit to Jozz)

Posted by Lynn Ross at 3:07 pm | 0 comments