Monday, May 21, 2007
Who do you turn to when the only person
in the world that can stop you from crying,
is exactly the one making you cry?

Some day you'll cry for me like I cried for you.
Some day you'll miss me like I missed you.
Some day you'll need me like I needed you.
Some day you'll love me, but I won't be there for

It breaks your heart to see the one you love, happy
with someone else. But it is even more painful to
know that the one you love is unhappy with you.

If my heart breaks that will be because of you.
If i die i just want you to remember one thing.
No one will love you like I always do.

I believe that if I should die and you were to
walk near my grave. From the very depths of
the earth I would hear your footsteps.

If dreams are the only place we can be together,
than i wanna sleep forever!

I could stay awake, just to hear you breathing.
Watch you smile while you are sleeping. While
you're far away and dreaming. I could spend
my life in this sweet surrender. I could stay lost
in this moment forever. Every moment I spend
with you is a moment I treasure.

They ask me what I see in him, and to tell the
truth, I don't know... it's who he is that makes
him so special to me... I can't explain it...
when you're in love you can't explain it, no one
can, it's just love.

I never thought this day would come, when
you fall in love with someone else. and
here I am still waiting for you to notice me.

You can't "just be friends" with the person
you're in love's not that easy.

Nothing is more painful than knowing he meant
everything to you and you meant nothing to him.

Have you ever loved someone more than you
have expected? Have you ever loved someone
in spite of all the pain? Will you keep on loving
that person even when they whisper someone
else's name?.. I did... for you.

I want to tell you that I will always be there for
you, even though the one inside you is not me.

I will never lose hope on the person I choose to
give my love to,If you'd always be the reason
why my heart aches, who cares? You'd still be
the reason why my heart beats.

If the sun should refuse to rise. And the moon
doesn't hang in the night. The tides won't change,
Seasons rearrange when the world is through. I
will still love you.

We can cure physical disease with medicine, but
the only cure for loneliness, Despair and
hopelessness is love.

It hurts to see someone you Love ignores you...
it also hurts to see that he doesn't feel your
but it is more hurting' to know that he also loves
you but he doesn't want to let you know.

A man loses his sense of direction after four
drinks; A woman loses hers after four kisses.

Some hearts are broken and mended, Others
are shattered or torn, Although it was never
intended, For love is eternally sworn, I've cried
and prayed and pleaded, For that love to hold
its ground. Hope was all I needed, And pain
was all I found.

I may not see you tomorrow, but I'll be thinking
about you. I'm always thinking about you.
My love. My soul mate. My life.

Have you ever cried your eyes out until all the
tears in this world have dried, and yet the
sourness in your heart still hasn't gone? That's
when the person causing you the pain is the
only one you ever loved.

How can I forget you when your always on my
mind? How can I not want you when you're all
I want inside? How can I let you go when I can't
see us apart? How can I not love you when you
control my heart?

Somewhere out there is the man you're supposed
to marry and if you don't get him first, somebody
else will...and then, you'll have to spend the rest
of your life thinking that somebody else is married
to your husband.

You'll never understand why I'm hurt so much
because you're not the one who is crying, you're
not the one who is left behind, you're not the one
who loved too much, and you're not the one who
is holding on to someone who is gone.

Can't say how I feel, can't tell if my heart would
heal, but I always knew from the start, I never
really had your heart. So leave me now before I
cry. The pain's too much to say goodbye. But
always remember in each tear I shed, is an '
I love you' left unsaid.
Posted by Lynn Ross at 2:57 pm | 0 comments
Saturday, May 12, 2007

ndak tau gimana lagi bisaku ungkapkan ini...syukur alhamdulillah ya ALLAH... doaku dimakbulkanNya. Amin...
dan kini lagi nunggu harinya... hihihihi... jadi gementar....takut...malu...semuanya ah.. :) lucu.. gak papa... pokoknya.. control cantik dech... hahahaha
ya ALLAH...mudah-mudahan semuanya berjalan sesuai rencana yah. sekiranya ada sesuatu yang lebih baik...ya..syukur yang buanyak. restu dan redhoi semuanya ya ALLAH. Amin ya rabb.
udah muter2 dalam rumah..hee hee...

salam.. ;)
Posted by Lynn Ross at 6:12 pm | 0 comments
Friday, May 11, 2007
Pada suatu pagi di satu sekolah menengah, ada seorang pelajar bertanya pada seorang guru yang sedang mengajar. Ketika itu, guru tersebut sedang menyentuh mengenai kasih dan sayang secara am. Dialog di antara pelajar dan guru tersebut berbunyi begini :

Pelajar : Cikgu, macam mana kita nak pilih seseorang yang terbaik sebagai orang paling kita sayang?. Macam mana juga kasih sayang itu nak berkekalan?

Cikgu : Oh, awak nak tahu ke?.Emmm...baiklah, sekarang kamu buat apa yang saya suruh. Ikut je ye...mungkin kamu akan dapat apa jawapannya.

Pelajar : Baiklah...apa yang saya harus buat?

Cikgu : Kamu pergi ke padang sekolah yang berada di luar kelas sekarang juga. Kamu berjalan di atas rumput di situ dan sambil memandang rumput di depan kamu, pilih mana yang PALING cantik tanpa menoleh ke belakang lagi walaupun sekali. Dan kamu petiklah rumput yang PALING cantik yang berada di depan kamu tersebut dan selepas itu bawa balik ke kelas.

Pelajar : Ok. Saya pergi sekarang dan buat apa yang cikgu suruh.
Apabila pelajar tersebut balik semula ke kelas, tiada pun rumput yang berada di tangannya. Maka cikgu pun bertanya kepada pelajar tersebut.

Cikgu : Mana rumput yang cikgu suruh petik?

Pelajar : Oh, tadi saya berjalan di atas rumput dan sambil memandang rumput yang berada di situ, saya carilah rumput yang paling cantik. Memang ada banyak yang cantik tapi cikgu kata petik yang paling cantik maka saya pun terus berjalan ke depan sambil mencari yang paling cantik tanpa menoleh ke belakang lagi. Tapi sampai di penghujung padang , saya tak jumpa pun yang paling cantik. Mungkin ada di antara yang di belakang saya sebelum itu tapi dah cikgu cakap tak boleh menoleh ke belakang semula, jadi tiadalah rumput yang saya boleh petik.

Cikgu : Ya, itulah jawapannya.

Maknanya, apabila kita telah berjumpa dengan seseorang yang kita sayang, janganlah kita hendak mencari lagi yang lebih baik daripada itu.

Kita patut hargai orang yang berada di depan kita sebaik-baiknya.

Janganlah kita menoleh ke belakang lagi kerana yang berlaku tetap dah berlaku. Dan semoga yang berlalu tidak lagi berulang.

Jika kita berselisih faham dengan orang yang kita sayang itu, kita boleh perbetulkan keadaan dan cuba teruskan perhubungan tersebut walaupun banyak perkara yang menggugat perhubungan tersebut.

Dan ingatlah orang yang kita sayang itulah kita jumpa paling cantik dan paling baik pada MULAnya walaupun nak ikutkan banyak lagi yang cantik dan baik seperti rumput tadi.

KECUALILAH jika perhubungan tersebut tak boleh diselamatkan lagi, maka barulah kita mulakan sekali lagi.

Maka sayangilah orang yang berada di depan kita dengan tulus dan ikhlas selagi dia masih lagi berada di sisi kita…

Tunjukkanlah Kasih kita kepada isteri atau suami kita dan lupakan lah kisah lama dan cerita lampau dalam kehidupan kita yang boleh merosakkan hubungan itu….

Dan jangan sesekali memulakan cerita baru yg bakal mengundang luka dan lara dalam episod ini….

Semoga kekal kita selama lamanya….bersama isteri atau suami kita yang merupakan anugerah Allah yang tak ternilai harganya……..
Posted by Lynn Ross at 11:28 pm | 0 comments
Wednesday, May 09, 2007

syukur alhamdulillah... nyampai juga akhirnya..
kira2 semuanya baik2 aja dech.
masalah sinyal kali..
tapi masih nunggu...moga2 nanti malam yah...

nanti aja...daaaa...
Posted by Lynn Ross at 6:01 pm | 0 comments