Soliloquy + omongan kosong + apapun yang pengen ditulis + tempatnya curhat +
About me
Name: Lynn Ross Home: Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia About Me: Yang namanya Lynn itu berasal dari Selangor, Malaysia. Yang namanya Ross itu, dari nama ayahnya. Sengaja direka begitu biar tampak cantik dan menarik aja. Kalo bicara tentang Lynn itu sendiri, dia anak yang sangat sensitif dan kurang sabar orangnya. Paling suka jalan2, makan2, tidur2, download + upload di internet dia. Cuma belanja2 aja yg dia kurang. Ya gak tau lah kenapa. Terus, dia anak yang gak punya apa2 lo. Kerjaan gak ada, penghasilan gak ada, kaya tidak.. yaa.. anak biasa2 aja lah pokoknya. Tapi dia udah ada yg namanya "soulmate" gitu. Hahaha..katanya dia syg amat lah. Dan paling penting dia masih ada ortu dan keluarga yg sayang ama dia.
[Teacher]: "The Prophet Muhammad" (sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam) told us that we must obey Allah and His messenger at all times. But who else did he tell us to listen to, and be close to?
[Children]: "My Mother!"
Who should you give your love to? Your respect and your honour to? Who should you pay good mind to - after Allah, And Rasullullah? Comes your Mother, Who next? Your Mother Who next? Your Mother And then you Father
Cause who used to hold you And clean you and clothe you? Who used to feed you And always be with you? When you were sick, stay up all night, Holding you tight? That's right no other, your Mother
Who should you take good care of, Giving all your love? Who should you think the most of - after Allah And Rasullullah? Comes your Mother, Who next? Your Mother Who next? Your Mother And then you Father
Cause who used to hear you Before you could talk? Who used to hold you Before you could walk? And when you fell, who'd pick you up? Clean your cut? No one but, your Mother, your Mother
Who should you stay right close to? Listen most to? Never say no to - after Allah And Rasullullah? Comes your Mother, Who next? Your Mother Who next? Your Mother And then you Father
Cause who used to hug you And buy you new clothes? Comb your hair and blow your nose? And when you cried who wiped your tears? Knows your fears? Who really cares? Your Mother
Say Alhamdulillah, Thank you Allah Thank You Allah for my Mother