Alhamdulillah, hari ni dah 1hb Julai. Hurmm..apa yang boleh dikatakan dengan menjelangnya bulan Julai ni. Hee hee..ternyata anaa sendiri tidak tau. :))
I have a good sleep last night. :) Mimpi tentang my BELOVED SIR. Hurmm... happy nya. :) Until now, anaa masih tersenyum. Hehehe..wondering if my BS had a dream of me too. :) If yes, biar mimpi yg elok2. Mimpikan hanya mainan tidur. But, it's fun. It's some sort of entertainment while you're sleep, while you're off from the world. Hee hee.. Alhamdulillah masih hidup. :)
Everything looks better for me now. One by one of my problem can be solved. One after another been rectified and replaced. InsyaALLAH, starting from next week I can start WORKING. :) But, I'm still not clear about my position status. But, it's OKE. At least I have work to do and MYR(money) comes in. That's more important.
Apa2 pun, syukur ALHAMDULILLAH. :))