Sunday, June 19, 2005
Tak de ape yg menarik pun ari ni. Just dok kat rumah as usual depan PC lah ape lagi. Cari MP3 coz ada org order lagu...naik bengang gak mencari lagu ntah mana2. Anyway, biznez tetap biznez..if not...x de la duit masyuk! hihihi..(nak gelak pun x larat sangat sebenarnya)

Tadi gi minum ngan old-skool-mate. 3 of us. Minum kat USJ Taipan. Dah lama x kuar mlm2. Anak yg baik lah katakan...ekekeke...perasan! Anyway, cite punye cite...cam2 topic dah kuar. Of course lah cite masa skolah2 dulu. Well, to be frank, I'm not that close to anyone. Coz, I hate myself during skool life. Entah waste je! Coz, I hate to know how I am in the past. They said that I never changed. I know, I'm not a good gal during skool time. Biasa aa...budak-budak.

Now, I'm at the age of 25. And I think I've learned a lot about life. I have met a lot of people with different attitudes. And of course I can't simply judge people from the outside. Well, I can say I'm a good OBSERVER. Although I'm not with someone special, but I know what will it takes if I'm with somebody. It doesn't mean that I'm rejecting being 'In a relationship' with someone. It just the matter of how do u take yourself into this world. Hidup hanya sekali. And I will try my best utk tidak mensia2kan hidup ni dengan bergelumang dengan maksiat dan membuang masa. Amar Ma'aruf Nahi Mungkar! Nauzubillah...

Selalu gak terfikir...and talk to myself. What will happen to me in the next 5 to 10 years or more. Will I be success??!! Apa dah aku buat utk diri aku selama aku hidup? Apa dah aku buat utk keluarga aku? Apa jasa aku pada org tua aku? Takkan nak harap pada org tua lagi? Apa aku dah buat utk Allah?? Selalu ke aku berdoa, sembahyang, munajat dan mengadu padanya?? Banyak nya hutang yg agak mustahil bagi aku utk selesaikannya. Umur semakin meningkat. Perjalanan hidup aku belum tentu sampai bila. Bekalan utk akhirat pun x juga aku siapkan. Takkan aku nak biarkan hidup aku sambil lewa. Hanya mengikut arus air ntah kemana haluannya. Memang setiap yg berlaku dan perjalanan hidup ini sudah tertulis. Tapi, kita as hamba/manusia kalau tidak menentukan haluan hidup/masa depan kita, siapa lagi? "Tuhan tidak akan mengubah nasib seseorang sekiranya seseorang itu yang mengubahnya"

My life is only for Allah the Almighty. And next will be my parents and my Mr. Right. Insya Allah. Selagi nyawa dikandung badan. Selagi Allah mengizinkan. Entah kenapa tiba2 tangan rasa menggeletar. Terlampau banyak dosa agaknya.

For whatever reason I still want to thank Allah for what have I experienced for this 25 years of life. Although while with friends I always talk about Cars, Travelling, or rubbish. It just from my experienced and a little knowledge that I owned. Weird huh, when a women/lady didnt talk about cooking, house-keeping. hahaha...I'm not focusing to anyone else. I'm talking about myself. Ape topic org perempuan selalunya?? It's better to talk about our interest rather than mengumpat or mengata org lain. busy body pun ade gak kalau gitu.

Arhh....people also have their rights to judge. I dont mind! I accept that! Thanks for the sincerity. I hope that I can improve myself so that I can be a better person. So that the tiny me will have good future. ;-)

Since I'm in the condition of 'unemployed', I really hope I will get a good job, good pay, good future and never forget the responsibility of being a "hamba Allah". I love my religion, I love my family. And I always pray that every Muslims in this world will have the "kebaikan dunia dan akhirat". Amin.

And I do bersyukur dgn ape yg ada. I have my family around. I have my first degree at the age of 25. Although its kind of late but, I manage to graduate. Insya Allah. And I believe that semua ni datangnya dari Allah swt. Syukur Alhamdulillah.

Okay la..that's it. Thats the ''Emo" part of me. Oh ya..this blog was meant for "SOLILOQUY" only. Sorry if any of you feel disturbed. No hard feelings! No offense!
Posted by Lynn Ross at 3:45 pm |


At Thu Jun 23, 12:53:00 am 2005, Blogger Abah Adrian said........
ala.. kau kat sekolah dulu samseng...