Friday, December 23, 2005

Pengertian Sunnah ialah Sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w., pengertian Jemaah ialah kumpulan Sahabat dan Tabien yang bersepakat di atas kebenaran yang nyata dari Kitab Allah dan Sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w.

Pengertian Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah ialah kumpulan orang Islam yang berpegang kepada al-Quran, al-Sunnah dan pendapat para Sahabat yang bersepakat di atas kebenaran yang nyata dari Kitab Allah dan Sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w.

Mazhab-mazhab Fekah ialah aliran hukum Syarak yang sah didasarkan di atas tafsiran tertentu terhadap nas-nas Syarak oleh ulama Mujtahidin mengikut kaedah Istinbat yang muktabar. Majlis tidak terikat kepada mana-mana satu mazhab tertentu. Di dalam Mazhab mana pun yang jelas dan nyata pendapat mereka itu dari kitab Allah atau Sunnah Rasulnya atau Jemaah Sahabat Rasulullah s.a.w. maka Majlis sedia menerima dan beramal dengannya. Adapun Mazhab-mazhab ssperti Hanafi, Maliki, Syafie dan Hanbali pada pandangan rasmi Majlis adalah terhitung di dalam Mazhab-mazhab yang muktabar yang tergolong di dalam istilah Ahli Sunnah Wal Jemaah. Majlis Agama Islam Perlis memang berpandukan kepada Mazhab itu dan mengambil pendapat-pendapat mereka yang ada alasan daripada Al-Quran, As-Sunnah dan Jemaah Sahabat Rasulullah s.a.w. Pengertian ini berdasarkan kepada Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah

Posted by Lynn Ross at 1:46 pm | 0 comments

Hukum Seorang Yang Mengaku Bukan Islam Kerana Mengelak Dari Ditangkap Atau Sebab-Sebab Lain

Niat Murtad

Berpaling dari agama Islam kepada agama kafir samada dengan niat atau perbuatan atau perkataan yang membawa kepada kufur samada secara persendaan, engkar atau iktikad.

Berkata imam al Ghazali “ Ada pun hakikat roh ialah pengucapan dengan perkataan kufur secara persendaan atau iktikad atau engkar manakala daripada perbuatan ialah menyembah berhala, sujud kepada matahari. Demikian juga mencampakkan al Quran ke tempat kotor dan setiap perbuatan yang jelas menghina agama dan demikian juga ahli sihir dihukum bunuh sekiranya apa yang digunakan untuk sihir itu adalah kufur seperti menyembah matahari atau seumpamanya.

Perkara-Perkara Yang Boleh Menyebabkan Murtad

Sebarang perkataan yang jelas boleh membawa kepada kufur adalah dihukum kufur (redat) orang yang menyucapkannya.

Firman Allah:“ “ (Surah At Taubat) 65 – 66
Katakanlah, patutkah nama Allah dan ayat-ayatnya serta rasulnya kamu memperolok-olok dan mengejinya? Janganlah kamu berdalih (dengan lasan-alasan yang dusta).

Di antara contoh-contoh perkataan yang membawa kepada kufur adalah seperti berikut:
1.Engkar sesuatu yang diketahui daripada agama (Islam) secara darurat seperti mengingkari keesaan Allah, keujudan malaikat, kenabian Muhammad saw dan seumpamanya.
2.Mengamalkan apa yang harak secara ajma’
3.Mengharamkan apa yang hal secara ajma’
4.Mencela Nabi Muhammad saw atau nabi-nabi lain atau mengejek mereka.
5.Mencela agama Islam, menghina al Quran dan al Sunnah dan tidak beramal dengan keduanya.
6.Menunggu wahi turun kepadanya.
7.Merendah-rendahkan nama-nama Allah dan perintah-perintahNya.


Di antara perbuatan yang boleh membawa kepada riddah ialah:
1.Mencampakkan maksud al Quran atau kitab hadis Rasulullah saw ke tempat-tempat kotor dengan tujuan menghina.
2.Sujud kepada makhluk seperti berhala, matahari, bulan dan sebagainya.
3.Tidak mengamalkan hokum-hukum al Quran dan al Sunnah kerana menganggapnya tidak sesuai dengan zaman sekarang.


Contohnya ialah seperti berazam untuk kafir pada hari esok atau teragak-agak untuk melakukan niat seperti itu menyebabkan orang itu kufur ketika itu juga.

Syarat-Syarat Sah Seseorang Di Kira Murtad
Para ulama’ bersepakat meletakkan dua syarat bagi mengesahkan seseorang Islam dikira murtad.
a.Berakal tidak sah murtad orang gila dan kanak-kanak.
b.Pilihan sendiri atau sukarela tidak sah murtad orang yang dipaksa sedangkan hatinya masih beriman.

MasalahPerkara yang berlaku sekarang ini mungkin disebabkan kejahilan atau perasaan takut dan marah bukan dengan niat si pelakunya untuk murtad, kerana kebiasaan mereka itu tanpa melakukan amalan-amalan Islam walaupun selepas mengucapkan perkataan-perkataan tersebut. Perkara-perkara ini boleh dicontohkan seperti berikut.

a.Seseorang (remaja contohnya) apabila selalu dinasihatkan dan dimarahi tentu akan merasa tertekan dan marah. Oleh itu kemarahannya dilahirkan dengan kata-kata sedemikian rupa bagi menggambarkan perasaannya walaupun hatinya tetap dengan Islam dan perbuatan tersebut dilakukan samada kerana jahil atau kerana tekanan perasaan yang amat sangat.

b.Seseorang yang ditangkap di atas kesalahan jenayah dalam syarak mungkin juga berada di dalam ketakutan atau malu. Oleh itu dia cuba mengelak daripada ditangkap dengan mengaku bukan Islam samada kerana jahil tentang hokum mpengakuan tersebut atau tahu tentang hukumnya mengucap kembali dua kalimah shahadah.


Walau apa pun alasan dan sebab seseorang itu melakukan perkara-perkara yang boleh menyebabkan murtad, namun zahir hukum syarak adalah jelas bahawa perkataan dan perbuatan sedemikian boleh membawa kepada ro’dah yang sangat merbahaya. Akan tetapi untuk menghukum seseorang itu telah murtad kita perlu berhati-hati.

Bertkata Said Saba’ Seseorang Islam tidak dikira hukum ro’dah kecuali apabila telah lapang dadanya dengan kufur dan tenang hati dengannya dan masuk ke dalamnya (kufur) dengan sebenarnya.

Berdasarkan firman Allah. “ “
Yang bermaksud:Akan tetapi (yang dikira kafir) seseorang yang lapang dadanya dengan kafir.

Sabda Rasulullah saw:“ “
Yang bermaksud:Sesungguhnya sesiapa amalan itu dengan niat dan bagi sesiapa seseorang apa yang diniatkannya.

Dan kerana hati adalah suatu yang aib, tidak ada yang mengetahuinya kecuali Allah, maka tidak dapat tidak mestilah timbul apa yang jelas menunjukkan kekafirannya dengan dalil khot’i yang tidak boleh ditakwilkan lagi sehingga dinasibkan kepada imam Malik di mana beliau berkata:“

“Yang bermaksud:
“Apabila timbul darinya (seseorang) apa yang memungkinkan kufur daripada 99 wajah (cara) dan terdapat apa yang memungkinkan iman dari satu wajah (cara), maka dikira urusannya di atas iman”.

Posted by Lynn Ross at 1:37 pm | 0 comments
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Issues in which men and women are treated alike or women are treated favorably.
This article discusses issues that carry little or no controversy.

1. Education

The Messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h.) once said: "Acquiring knowledge is compulsory for every Muslim. (At-Tabarani)This narration applies equally to men and women. "Knowledge" in this context refers primarily to knowledge of the Holy Quran and Sunnah as no Muslim should be ignorant of his or her Faith, but it also covers other areas of general education, which can contribute to the welfare of civilization. It is precisely the ignorance about their religion among Muslims that has led to men oppressing women because they believe it is permitted, women not demanding their God-given rights because they are ignorant of them, and children growing up to perpetuate their parents' follies. Throughout Islamic history, men and women both earned respect as scholars and teachers of the Faith. The books of Rijal (Reporters of Hadith) contain the names of many prominent women, beginning with Aishah and Hafsah.

2. Worship

Both men and women are the slaves of Allah and have a duty to worship and obey Him. Men and women have to pray, fast, give charity, go on pilgrimage, refrain from adultery, avoid the prohibited, enjoin the good and forbid the evil, and so on. Because of women's roles as mothers, a role which does not end at a specific time but is a round the-clock career, they have been exempted from attending the Mosque for the five daily prayers or for Jumuah (Friday) prayer. Nevertheless, if they wish to attend the Mosque, no one has the right to stop them.

3. Charitable Acts

Men and women are both encouraged to give charity, and there is nothing to stop a woman giving charity from her husband's income. Aishah reported that the Messenger of Allah said: "A woman will receive reward (from Allah) even when she gives charity from her husband's earnings. The husband and the treasurer (who keeps the money on the husband's behalf) will also be rewarded, without the reward of any of them decreasing." Asmaa once said to the Prophet "O Messenger of Allah, I have nothing except what Zubair (her husband) brings home." The Prophet told her: ‘O Asmaa give in charity. Don't lock it lest your subsistence is locked.’"

4. The Right to Own Wealth and Property

A woman has the right to keep her property or wealth, whether earned or inherited, and spend it as she may please. This right was granted to Western women only very recently, and the women of India had to wait until 1956 for a right which Muslim women have always taken for granted. Concerning the right to one's earnings, the Holy Quran says:

"And wish not for the things in which Allah has made some of you excel the others. For men there is reward for what they have earned, (and likewise) for women there is reward for what they have earned, and ask Allah of His Bounty. Surely, Allah is Ever All-Knower of everything." (V. 4:32)

5. Freedom to Express One's Opinion

Few societies exist in which the ordinary citizen can confront the ruler face to face and challenge his policies. Even fewer societies allow women to be so bold, yet the Islamic ideal has always been open and accessible. This freedom of expression is aptly demonstrated by a famous incident involving Omar the second Rightly- Guided Caliph. Omar was once standing on the pulpit, severely reprimanding the people and ordering them not to set excessive amounts of dower at the time of marriage. A woman got up and shouted, "Omar, you have no right to intervene in a matter which Allah the All-Mighty has already decreed in Quran: "But if you intend to replace a wife by another and you have given one of them a Qintar (of gold, i.e., a great amount as Mahr bridal money), take not the least bit of it back; would you take it wrongfully without a right and (with) a manifest sin?" (V.4:20)

After being reminded of this Verse, Omar withdrew his order, saying, "I am in the wrong and she is correct."

6. Participation in Jihad

The battlefield is a place, which frightens many men let alone women. Due to the aggressive and violent nature of war, only men have a duty to participate in Jihad (holy fighting in Allah's cause) while women are exempted. A woman once asked the Prophet to allow women to go on Jihad with men because of its excellence and the unlimited reward promised to Mujahideen (Muslim fighters) in the Hereafter. The Prophet replied: "For them is a Jihad without fighting," which referred to the Hajj and Umrah. Nevertheless the Prophet did permit women to nurse the injured and supply provisions to the Mujahideen at some battles. A woman from the tribe of Ghifar came with a large group of women to the Prophet when he was preparing to leave for the conquest of Khaibar. She said: "O Allah's Messenger, we wish to accompany you on this journey so that we may nurse the injured and help the Muslims." The Prophet responded, ‘Come may Allah shower His blessings upon you.’” Umm Atiyyah an Ansari woman once said: "I have participated in seven battles with the Prophet. I used to guard the camels of the Mujahideen in their absence, cook the food, treat the injured and care for the sick." Muadh Bin Jabal reports that his cousin Asmaa Bint Yazid killed nine Roman soldiers with a tent-pole during the battle of Yarmuk.

7. Freedom to Choose Her Husband

The guardian of the girl whether her father, brother or uncle plays an important role in her marriage such as finding a suitable match for her. But under no circumstance does this allow him to force his choice on her against her wishes. She is free to accept or reject his choice, or make her own choice. A woman named Khansa Bint Khidam once came to the Prophet and complained: "My father has forced me to marry my cousin in order to raise his own status (in the eyes of the people)." The Prophet told her that she was free to dissolve this marriage and choose whomever she wished to marry. She replied, "I accept my father's choice, but my aim was to let the women know that fathers have no right to interfere in the marriage." (Ahmad, Nasa'i and Ibn Majah)

8. A Woman's Guarantee in War is Acceptable

If a woman gives surety to a war-captive or gives him shelter, her guarantee will be accepted. Umm Hani, a cousin of the Prophet, said to him after the conquest of Makkah: "I have given shelter to two of my in-laws." The Prophet said: ‘O Umm Hani, we have given shelter to whom you have given shelter.’" According to another narrative, Umm Hani gave shelter to a man but her cousin Ali tried to kill the man. She complained to the Prophet who endorsed her act of giving shelter to the man.

9. The Right to Custody of Children

Divorce is especially painful and difficult when the couple has had children, and awarding custody to either party involves difficulties. According to Western law, both father and mother have to prove to the Court that they are more capable of looking after the children, and this often involves maligning the other party in order to strengthen their own claims to custody. Islamic law has its own clear decision on this issue. Custody of young boys and girls goes to the mother. The son stays with his mother until he is about seven or nine years of age, after which he is looked after by the father. The daughter remains with her mother until she gets married. The exception is when the mother herself re-marries, in which case custody may be awarded to someone else such as the girl's grandmother or aunt. This is based on the Prophet's words to the divorcee: "Your right to custody of the child is greater as long as you do not remarry."

10. Participation in Extending Co-operation for the Promotion of Good and Elimination of Evil.

The Holy Quran deals with this subject in clear terms: "The believers, men and women, are Awliyaa (helpers, supporters, friends, protectors) of one another; they enjoin (on the people) Al-Ma'ruf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do), and forbid (people) from Al-Munkar (i.e. polytheism and disbelief of all kinds, and all that Islam has forbidden); they perform As-Salat (Iqámat-as-Salat), and give Zakat, and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah will have His Mercy on them. Surely, Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise." (V. 9:71)

By: Shaikh Abdul Ghaffar Hasan


Posted by Lynn Ross at 5:48 pm | 0 comments
Monday, December 19, 2005

Dah 2 hari anaa berkerja!
Bukan sengaja tak nak kasi tau kat kawan². Cuma anaa rasa tak de pentingnya. Al-maklumlah, dalam kelumpuk manusia/kawan², anaa lah yang paling left-out. Dalam BM nya, diketepikan atau ketinggalan la. =)

Walaumacamana pun, Alhamdulillah..dengan kerja ni, dapat anaa isi masa terluang. Anaa rasa tidak penting utk diberitahu kepada semua orang sbb, kerja ni hanyalah sementara. Tak sampai satu bulan pun. TEMP JOB! Anaa dibayar gaji hari. Anaa kerja sebagai Admin. Asisstant.

Skarang, kalau nak kata anaa ni 'memilih' juga lagi...hurmm..tak tau lah. UP 2 U.

Anaa tak mahu cakap banyak sebab anaa pun dah letih. Bila ada masa anaa sambung lagi disini.

Hingga dilain kali.. Minta maaf pada yang terasa!

Posted by Lynn Ross at 11:01 pm | 0 comments
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani.

[1] Alif, Laam, Miim.
[2] Kitab Al-Quran ini, tidak ada sebarang syak padanya (tentang datangnya dari Allah dan tentang sempurnanya); ia pula menjadi petunjuk bagi orang-orang yang (hendak) bertakwa;
[3] Iaitu orang-orang yang beriman kepada perkara-perkara yang ghaib dan mendirikan (mengerjakan) sembahyang serta membelanjakan (mendermakan) sebahagian dari rezeki yang Kami berikan kepada mereka.
[4] Dan juga orang-orang yang beriman kepada Kitab "Al-Quran" yang diturunkan kepadamu (Wahai Muhammad) dan Kitab-kitab yang diturunkan dahulu daripadamu, serta mereka yakin akan (adanya) hari akhirat (dengan sepenuhnya).
[5] Mereka itulah yang tetap mendapat petunjuk dari Tuhan mereka dan merekalah orang-orang yang berjaya.
[6] Sesungguhnya orang-orang kafir (yang tidak akan beriman), sama sahaja kepada mereka: Samada engkau beri amaran kepadanya atau engkau tidak beri amaran, mereka tidak akan beriman.
Posted by Lynn Ross at 1:20 pm | 0 comments

[1] Dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
[2] Segala puji tertentu bagi Allah, Tuhan yang Memelihara dan Mentadbirkan sekalian alam.
[3] Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
[4] Yang Menguasai pemerintahan hari Pembalasan (hari akhirat).
[5] Engkaulah sahaja (Ya Allah) Yang Kami sembah dan kepada Engkaulah sahaja kami memohon pertolongan.
[6] Tunjukilah kami jalan yang lurus.
[7] Iaitu jalan orang-orang yang Engkau telah kurniakan nikmat kepada mereka, bukan (jalan) orang-orang yang Engkau telah murkai dan bukan pula (jalan) orang-orang yang sesat.
Posted by Lynn Ross at 1:13 pm | 0 comments
Friday, December 16, 2005
Devoted believers of different religions isolate themselves from people in order to purify their hearts. In the quest for intimacy with the divine, they retreat to mountain caves, monasteries, or hermitages and prefer solitude to the company of others. God has favored Islam - as the last Testament - with Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah) to be the Islamic form of monasticism when a set period of time is devoted by the pilgrims’ rituals and performance to the task of freeing minds and hearts from all worldly concerns. The pilgrim seeks to pursue a unique form of collective worship of Allah and seeks closeness to Him in the one and only location chosen by Him.

If the pilgrim understands where Hajj really stands in Islam, he will notice in himself a process of spiritual transformation through the rituals. Every step of Hajj serves as a reminder, a sign of submission to Allah, an instructive tool for self discipline and piety, and an exhortation to the faithful aspirant.

As Hajj provides every pilgrim with tranquility of heart, inner purity, and fullness of understanding of his existence in the cosmos, every single step should recall the ideas of the creation, glory of divine transcendence, and the unity of the believers that crosses boundaries and ethnic and gender diversities. In the heart of every aspect of Hajj is some reflection signifying the Hereafter.

Submission to the One and Only God

In Islam, God should be the goal of the human heart. Since Allah has attributed the Ka‘bah to Himself, this connection is enough in itself to make one yearn for this blessed location and its surrounding space. The pilgrim should always be aware that the moment he leaves his family and homeland behind, his resolve should be purely for the sake of Allah, untarnished by hypocrisy and desire for any personal material gain. He should be fully aware that only what is sincere in his intention and action will be accepted and cherished by Allah.

The Bond of Faith
The diversity of the pilgrims reflects the diversity of all humankind

If the pilgrim hopes his visit is to be accepted, he should carry out God’s commands, cast off iniquities, repent for all acts of disobedience, and sever his heart’s connection from all worldly concerns during Hajj. Then he can turn to Allah as he turns his face in the direction of the Ka‘bah in each prayer. Unless the pilgrim does so, he will get nothing from his journey except trouble and hardship at the outset, and dismissal and rejection at the end.

Leaving his house, the pilgrim should know that he has now left hearth and home, bound for God on a journey unlike any worldly voyage. The seamless garments worn in the state of ihram (consecration) remind him of the shroud he will wear after death. The pilgrim should be conscious at heart of what he wishes, where he is heading, and Whom he intends to reach. Allah is the Host of the visitors to His House who have been summoned and have answered the call, in whom a great longing has been awakened. The diversity of the pilgrims reflects the diversity of all humankind at the assembly point on the Day of Resurrection. The separation from family and relatives should put the pilgrim in mind of the desolation and solitude of the tomb, where he will find nothing to relieve his agony but his hope in God’s love and mercy.

Observing Ihram Responding to the summons of Allah, one should recall that mankind will be summoned and gathered together at the site of resurrection, responding to Allah’s call. They will be divided into the favored and the abhorred, the accepted and the rejected. Exactly like the pilgrims at the assembly point, they will be oscillating initially between fear and hope, when they do not know whether or not they will be enabled to complete their pilgrimage and whether their deeds have been accepted by Allah.

The pilgrim’s heart should be filled with reverence, fear, hope and love

As the pilgrim reaches Makkah, he should remember that he has arrived safely at the Sanctuary of Allah. Allah has chosen to attribute the Ka‘bah to His own Self because it was the first place established on earth for devotion of the One God. Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his son Isma‘il (Ishmael) once shared in building it, long before the time of Prophet Muhammad. Entering the Holy Sanctuary, the pilgrim should naturally dread not being worthy to approach Allah. Yet his hope should be uppermost, for Allah is Generous and Compassionate, the honor of the House is tremendous, the visitor’s right is respected, and protection is assured for all who seek refuge.

The pilgrim’s heart should be filled with reverence, fear, hope and love, especially during tawaf (circumambulation of the Ka‘bah). One should not suppose that the purpose of it is the physical circumambulation of the House. It is not a body rotating around another physical body. The true purpose is the circling of the heart around remembrance of the Lord of the House, making Allah (God) the center of his life. The heart should reach a point when consciousness begins with Allah alone and ends with Him alone, just as the circumambulation starts from a point around the House and ends at that same point.

Supplication at the Mount of Arafat

Standing at Arafat, pilgrims gather for supplication with their different tongues and different ethnic backgrounds, which recalls the site of resurrection. When their aspirations are joined, their hearts become devoted exclusively to humble supplication and entreaty, their hands raised to Allah, their necks outstretched, and their eyes turned heavenward as they aspire of one accord in quest of mercy.

They should not suppose that God will disappoint their hopes, frustrate their endeavor, or begrudge them an overwhelming mercy. It is said that it is a grievous sin for a Muslim to attend the standing on Arafat and to imagine that Allah has not forgiven him, as it would be doubting Allah’s infinite compassion and generosity. The conjugation of aspirations and the strength derived from contiguity constitute the secret of pilgrimage and its ultimate purpose. There is no way to obtain Allah’s mercy in such abundance as by the conjugation of aspiration and the simultaneous mutual support of all hearts.

Visiting the City of God’s Messenger

Muslims regard Prophet Muhammad to be the moral example and chosen guide for mankind. He is the last prophet who received the last Testament to complete the revelation of the Old and New Testaments that were revealed to the Prophets Musa (Moses) and ‘Isa (Jesus). Visiting his tomb at Madinah is not an essential obligation to make Hajj valid or complete. Honoring him remains a matter of the heart, and a Muslim proves his love towards the Prophet by following his path of Islam.

However, it is strongly recommended that whoever can reach Madinah should visit the Prophet’s burial place to pay his respect to the greatest teacher that the world has ever known. Remembering his struggle for justice and equality, the Muslim knows in his heart that Muhammad was a humble human being. His message was sacred, but he died like any other human being and the ultimate sacredness and divinity remains for Allah only.

Pilgrimage is a journey of intensified devotion and a course of humanitarian interests

Aware that Prophet Muhammad’s precious steps have trodden in every place around Madinah, the pilgrim ought to walk with dignity and caution, recalling the Messenger’s humility and graceful gait. The purpose should be pure love for the Prophet and longing to behold his city of refuge and early Islamic society.

Visiting the tomb should be controlled by the most decent manners, for visiting a Prophet in death should be as visiting him in life. One should approach the tomb as he would approach the noble person of the Prophet if he were still alive. Touching and kissing the tomb is not allowed. Muslims’ respect and love is not for the walls or stones of any tomb, not even that of the Prophet, but should be for the great message and the noble person who strived to convey it throughout his life.

To conclude, throughout Hajj, the pilgrim should watch the duties of his heart at all stages. He will realize if he has been accepted or not by watching his heart and its conduct. If he finds his heart adverse to this world and inclined to be intimate with Allah, then he may count on acceptance, for Allah accepts only those whom He loves.

Throughout the performance of Hajj, the pilgrim can easily observe that it is a course of spiritual enrichment and moral rearmament, a journey of intensified devotion and disciplinary experience, a course of humanitarian interests and inspiring knowledge, all put together in one single Pillar of Islam.
Posted by Lynn Ross at 6:33 pm | 0 comments
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Rasulullah s. a. w bersabda :
"Solat berjemaah itu lebih afdal (baik) daripada solat bersendirian dengan 27x darjat" H. R. Bukhari dan Muslim

Rasulullah s. a. w bersabda :
"Sesiapa yang solat berjemaah kemudian duduk berzikir hingga terbit matahari kemudian solat 2 rakaat (sunat dhuha) maka ia akan mendapat pahala haji dan umrah yang sempurna" H. R. Tarmizi

Rasulullah s. a. w bersabda :
"Sesiapa yang berjalan untuk solat fardhu maka pahalanya seperti orang yang mengerjakan haji dan jika ia berjalan untuk solat sunat maka pahalanya seperti orang yg mengerjakan umrah sunat" H. R. Attabrani

Rasulullah s. a. w bersabda :
"2 rakaat solat sunat fajar itu pahalanya lebih baik daripada dunia seisinya" H. R. Muslim & Tarmizi

Rasulullah s. a. w bersabda :
"Sesiapa yang solat sunat sebelum Asar 4 rakaat maka Allah akan mengharamkan jasadnya dari api neraka" H. R. Attabrani

Rasulullah s. a. w bersabda :
"Sesungguhnya apabila seseorang hamba berdiri untuk solat maka diletakkan semua dosa-dosanya diatas kepala dan kedua bahunya. Setiap kali ia rukuk atau sujud akan berjatuhlah dosa-dosanya itu" H. R. Attabrani

Rasulullah s. a. w bersabda :
"Sesiapa yang tetap mengerjakan solat sunat sebelum dan selepas zohor sebanyak 4 rakaat maka Allah akan mengharamkan dirinya dari api neraka H. R. Abu Daud & Tarmizi

Rasulullah s. a. w bersabda :
"Sesiapa yang berwuduk dengan sempurna maka keluarlah dosa dari tubuhnya sehingga dari bawah kukunya juga" H. R. Muslim

Rasulullah s. a. w bersabda :
"Malaikat akan berdoa untuk kamu selama kamu masih berada didalam masjid dan melakukan solat dan selama kamu tidakberhadas. Berkata Malaikat "Ya Allah ampunilah dia dan turunkanlah RahmatMu kepadanya" H. R. Bukhari

Rasulullah s. a. w bersabda :
"Sesiapa yang solat Isyak berjemaah maka bagaikan bangun (beribadah) ½ malam dan (pada esok paginya) ia mengerjakan solat Subuh secara berjemaah juga maka (pahalanya) bagaikan bangun semalaman (penuh). H. R. Muslim & Ahmad

Rasulullah s. a. w bersabda :
"Apabila kamu rasa ada angin didalam perutmu kemudian kamu ragu adakah ianya telah keluar atau belum, maka janganlah keluar dari solatmu sehingga jelas terdengar bunyi atau tercium baunya" H. R. Muslim

Rasulullah s. a. w bersabda :
"Tidak takutkah orang yang mengangkat kepalanya sebelum imam (mengangkat kepalanya), kelak akan digantikan kepalanya dengan kepala kaldai" H. R. Sahih Muslim

Rasullulah s. a. w bersabda :
"Solat dengan bersiwak (mengosok gigi) lebih afdal (baik) dari 70xsolat tanpa siwak" H. R. Zanjawaih & Hakim

Rasullulah s. a. w bersabda :
"Solat sunat atau fardhu dengan memakai serban menyamai 25x solat yang tidak memakai serban dan solat jumaat dengan memakai serban menyamai 70x Jumaat tanpa memakai serban" H. R. Ibn'Asakir

Rasulullah s. a. w bersabda :
"Malaikat senantiasa berdoa untuk kamu selama ia berada ditempat yang ia sembahyang padanya, selagi ia tidak berhadas" H. R. Bukhari & Muslim

Rasulullah s. a. w bersabda :
"Apabila imam bangun dari rukuk serta membaca doa, maka hendaklah kamu membaca "Allahuma Rabbana lakalhamdu" kerana sesiapa yang berkebetulan bacaannya dengan bacaan Malaikat, nescaya diampunkan dosanya yang telah lalu" H. R. Bukhari & Muslim

Rasulullah s. a. w bersabda :
"Sesungguhnya Allah memberi rahmat dan mailakatNya pula mendoakan bagi orang-orang yang sembahyang pada saf yang pertama" H. R. Ahmad & Abu Daud

Rasulullah s. a. w bersabda :
"Sesiapa yang berwuduk padahal ia masih ada wuduk, maka dicatat untuknya sepuluh hasanat" H. R. Abu Dawud

Rasulullah s. a. w bersabda :
"Sesiapa yang meninggalkan sembahyang dengan sengaja, maka ia kafir terang-terangan" H. R. Attabrani

-ihsan melayucyber blogdrive
Posted by Lynn Ross at 11:25 pm | 0 comments
Monday, December 12, 2005
Apa yang harus kita buat apabila suasana sekeliling kita seolah-olah menjurus kepada tanda-tanda bahawa dunia ini sudah hampir ke penghujung usianya,

  1. Pertingkatkan lagi ilmu pengetahuan kita terhadap Islam agar setiap amalan kita mempunyai sandaran daripada Al-Quran, Hadith dan bahan-bahan rujukan yang disepakati oleh Ulama'.
  2. Perbanyakkan bertaubat kepada Allah Azza Wa Jalla dari segala dosa; besar dan kecil.
  3. Bersikap Zuhud terhadap Dunia seperti sabda Rasulullah sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam : 'Jadilah kamu di dunia ini seperti seorang perantau atau musafir'. Yang membawa maksud sebagai musafir yang mengambil keperluan sekadarnya untuk meneruskan perjalanan untuk sampai ke tempat yang di tuju.
  4. Memperbanyakkan bekalan untuk kehidupan Akhirat seperti yang di Firmankan oleh Allah Azza Wa Jalla :'Berbekallah dan sesungguhnya sebaik-baik bekalan adalah taqwa dan bertaqwalah kepada Ku (Allah) hai orang-orang yang berakal'.(Surah Al-Baqarah 197).
  5. Memperbanyakkan kerja-kerja Dakwah bagi mempertinggikan syari'at Allah Azza Wa Jalla.
  6. Mentaati semua Perintah (Syari'at) Allah Azza Wa Jalla.
  7. Mengelakkan perpecahan dan perselisihan sesama orang beriman dan sekiranya berlaku menjadikan Al-Quran dan Hadith sebagai jalan penyelesaian.

Prophet Muhammad sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam commented,
“A man follows the religion of his friend;
so each one should consider whom he makes his friend.”
(Abu Dawud 41: 4815).

Beware of the pleas of the oppressed,
because they will ask for justice from Allah,
and Allah does not deny the rights of the deserving.

-The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by 'Ali bin Abi Talib
Posted by Lynn Ross at 3:57 pm | 0 comments
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Hurmm...after long chat...tak la panjang mana...barulah dapat lepaskan nafas lega. Ada juga orang yg faham dengan perasaan ni. I wish I could paste here what we've been chat about.

Thanks to ALLAH and thanks also to you (you know who you are).

From now on, I will follow what my heart says and think what is best for me. Tapi, sungguhpun gitu..anaa still takut juga sekiranya anaa tersilap langkah. Maksudnya, anaa takut menyesal dikemudian hari pulak. Tapi...tak kut. Ini yang anaa pilih...ini lah yang akan anaa laksanakan.

O ALLAH, please help me! Ya ALLAH, bantu anaa ye ALLAH!

You are right, and now I can have my good night sleep peacefully. If not, asyik main dengan fikiran dan perasaan sendiri aje. Hati ni berkata-kata, tertanya-tanya. Ada saja perkara yang dipersoalkan. Selain dari soal hidup dan mati, amalan & bekalan utk akhirat. Perkara ini tak akan luput dari fikiran. Yang selalu difikirkan adalah masalah skarang, hidup seharian ni.

Terima kasih lagi sekali to you. Coz, without it..tak keruan dibuatnya. Bukan bererti anaa lupakan tuhan. Bukan juga bererti anaa tidak mengadu dan minta pertolongan dari ALLAH. Cuma, I'm alone. Lonely sangat. Tidak berapa kuat nak berdiri teguh dengan mempertahankan pendirian. Tapi, kini tidak lagi... Insya ALLAH anaa boleh atasi dan boleh teruskan niat anaa tu.

Syukur Alhamdulillah..Harap ianya tidak berakhir disini. Biarlah ia berterusan. Bukan mudah nak dapat seseorang yang boleh faham masalah kita, dan bukan mudah juga nak dpt seseorang untuk terus support kita dari belakang. Sebab apa...ia jarangnya kekal.

Although is only suggestion, to be fair, it's good enough. ; ) Thanks yea!

Sehingga dilain kali....wassalam

Berilah Harapan -Raihan
Suara Dari Kejauhan
Menangis Merintih Pilu
Termangu-mangu Dimuka Pintu
Pada Siapa Saja Yang Sudi Mendengar

Sebuah Harapan, Membawa Khabar
Tangisan Si Anak Kecil Yang Kesakitan
Rintihan Dari Ibu Ayah
Yang Sekian Lama Menanggung Derita

Berilah Harapan, Dan Taburlah Budi
Semaikan Kasih Setulus Budi
Seikhlas Hati Semurni Nurani
Buat Semua Insan Di Dunia

Bersama Harapan Dan Air Mata
Jangan Biarkan Terus Basah Di Pipi
Hulurkan Bantuan Dan Pengorbanan
Dari Hati Yang Ikhlas Simpati Tanpa NistA
Posted by Lynn Ross at 2:05 pm | 2 comments
Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Di dalam hidup manusia, yang penting ialah BERKAT.
Bila hidup kita berkat, diri ini akan selamat.
Apabila diri selamat, rumahtangga jadi sepakat.
Apabila rumahtangga jadi sepakat, masyarakat jadi muafakat.
Apabila masyarakat jadi muafakat, negara kita menjadi kuat.
Apabila negara menjadi kuat, negara luar jadi hormat.
Apabila negara luar jadi hormat, permusuhan pun tersekat.
Apabila permusuhan tersekat, pembangunan pun meningkat.
Apabila pembangunan pun meningkat, kemajuan menjadi pesat.


Apabila pembangunan meningkat, kemajuan menjadi pesat, kita lihat bangunan naik bertingkat-tingkat.
Ditengah-tengah itu, tempat maksiat tumbuh macam kulat.
Apabila tempat-tempat maksiat tumbuh macam kulat,
KETIKA ITU manusia mula mengubah tabiat.
Apabila manusia telah mengubah tabiat,ada yang jadi lalat ada yang jadi ulat.
Apabila manusia dah jadi ulat,sembahyang makin hari makin liat.
Apabila sembahyang jadi liat, orang baik ada yang bertukar jadi jahat.
Apabila orang baik bertukar jahat, orang miskin pula nak kaya cepat.
Apabila orang miskin nak kaya cepat, orang tua pula nak mati lambat.
Apabila orang tua nak mati lambat, tak dapat minum madu telan jerla minyak gamat.
Yang lelaki, budak budak muda pakai seluar ketat.
Semua nak tunjuk kuat.
Bila berjudi, percaya unsur kurafat.
Tapi hidup pula yang melarat.
Tali kasut dah tak berikat.
Rambut pun jarang sikat.

Yang perempuan, Pakai mini sekerat.
Suka pakai baju ketat... (apa dapat...)
Suka sangat menunjukkan pusat.
Hingga tak pedulikan lagi batasan aurat.
Pakai pulak yang singkat-singkat.
Kadang-kadang ternampak benda 'bulat'.
Bila jadi macam ini, siapa lihat pasti tercegat.
Silap gaya jadi gawat, bohsia bohjan lagi hebat.
Duduk jauh berkirim surat.
Bila berjumpa, tangan berjabat.
Kemudian pakat lawan peluk siapa erat.
Masa tu, nafas naik sampai tersekat-sekat.
Usah peduli agama dan adat.
Usah takut Allah dan malaikat.
Yang penting apa kita nak buat?
Kita 'bukti' lah kita buat.
Akhirnya perut kempis dah jadi bulat.
Apabila perut kempis dah jadi bulat, maka lahirlah pula anak-anak yang tak cukup sifat.
Bila anak-anak tak cukup sifat, jam tu kita tengok bayi dibuang di merata tempat.


Dia kata apa? Habis manusia dah masuk jerat.
Habis manusia telah tersesat.
Inilah dia fenomena masyarakat.
Oleh itu wahai saudaraku dan para sahabat,
Marilah kita pakat mengingat,
Bahawa dunia hari ini makin singkat,
Esok atau lusa mungkin kiamat,
Sampai masa kita semua akan berangkat! .
Berangkat menuju ke negeri akhirat.
Di sana kita akan ditanya apa yang kita buat.
Masa tu, sendiri mau ingat.
Umur mu banyak mana , berapa banyak kamu buat ibadat...?
Zaman muda mu, apa yang telah ka mu buat...?
Harta benda anda, dari mana anda a dapat...?
Ilmu anta, adakah anta manafaat...?
Sebagai sesama insan sama2lah ingat mengingati sesama insan!!!
Semoga ianya dapat mengingatkan kita supaya segera meninggalkan maksiat dan memperbanyakkan ibadat.

(Petikan ucapan Ustaz Hj. Akil Hayy Rawa. Sebarkanlah ini kepada ahli keluarga, saudara-mara, rakan-rakan dan sahabat handai kita agar masyarakat kita akan menjadi sebuah masyarakat yang bukan sahaja maju dari segi duniawi malah ukhrawi. Insya-Allah...Allahhuakbar! Allahhuakbar! Allahhuakbar!)

Posted by Lynn Ross at 1:27 pm | 0 comments
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Hurrmmm....setiap orang ade aje cerita setiap hari....ade aje kisah setiap anaa...x de ape cerita pun....dan x de kisahnya.. camana nak ade cerita/kisah...kalau asyik memerap kat rumah. Hari2 ngadap pc...on torrent file...check email (itupun kalau ade)....hurmm..

Setiap hari mengharapkan sesuatu perkara yg best datang pada diri ni. Mengharapkan sesuatu yg dpt buat diri ceria.. just to have a brighter day. Tapi, kalau hidup hari2..asyik harap dan terus mengharap...susah la. Tapi jugak...tak salahkan kalau kita mengharap?? Asalkan tak menyusahkan sesiapa. Ye ke tak susahkan sesiapa?? Harap tak susahkan sesiapa lah. Tengok..harap lagi...harap...harap...dan harap....

Harap = hope
Doa = pray

Everyday, I hope and I pray that one day..ALLAH Almighty will grant me what I've wish for so long and I really hope that I will never forget ALLAH ever and never stop wish and asking and pray.

Bila difikirkan kembali, elok juga hidup serba kekurangan ni. Bukannya apa...selagi terasa hidup ini serba kekurangan, ada saja perkara yg kita nak minta. Apa cara bila kita nak minta sesuatu? Mestilah dengan solat, doa, usaha, doa, solat sunat, doa, doa, dan doa. Dari situ kita akan sentiasa dekat dengan ALLAH. Dan dari situ kita akan terus mengharapkan keberkatan dan dirahmati ALLAH. Kali ini, anaa berharap agar anaa terus berada dalam keadaan sentiasa kekurangan.

Bila ckp pasal kekurangan...teringat anaa pada artikel yg dikirimkan oleh seseorang tentang "Istidraj". Satu artikel yang sangat menarik dan mirip dengan perihal diri anaa. Pernah juga anaa membincangkan tentang Istidraj ini dgn org yg mengirimnya. Yang menariknya lagi, pengirim juga turut pernah melalui situasi/keadaan yg serupa. Maknanya, bukan anaa seorang yg terasa begitu..ada hamba ALLAH yg lain juga turut merasakan. Hah....kan adil tuhan tu..tidak semua orang senang...dan tidak semua orang susah.

Tapi, anaa boleh dikatakan baru diperingkat awal. Ataupun, baru di level 2 agak nya. Orang lain dah level 7, 8, 9...entah berapa aje. Tapi, anaa percaya, ALLAH menjanjikan sesuatu untuk anaa. Apa?? Bila?? Bagaimana?? - Wallahualam... Hanya ALLAH maha mengetahui. Apa yang harus dan mampu anaa buat sekarang...terus berSABAR. =)

Tak rugi bersabar pun...Ape2 skali pun, I'm getting use into it! Hah! That's it for now..tara!

Posted by Lynn Ross at 9:04 pm | 0 comments