Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Yesterday was my last day. Hehehe...I feel good today! Although something happen among me and the other colleagues...it's OK! I would understand and don't want to argue with the unmatured kind of person which suit enough to be called "children". ;-)

Syukur Alhamdulillah..now I can rest myself. Planning to go to Perak to my uncle's place. Maybe one night or two before returning back to KL.

Apa², I'm happy to work there...meet new friends....new environment...new people...and so many things la...that's it...Daaaa
Posted by Lynn Ross at 10:08 am |


At Thu Jan 26, 06:14:00 pm 2006, Blogger hamka said........
kirim salam kat pak cik kao kat perak tu ye?!

At Thu Jan 26, 11:53:00 pm 2006, Blogger Lynn Ross said........
mintak maaf la. saya baru balik nih. letih pun tak habih lagi.
