Tuesday, January 16, 2007
today's entry will be different story.

After waking up at 5am this morning, I help my mom in the kitchen for some 'dagangan'. But..since yesterday we have the bad feelings in order to continue with it. Don't know why. And last night before I'm off to bed, I pray to ALLAH to let not us in such of that feeling and help us to survive in our daily life. And, as everyone knows, ALLAH KNOWS BEST.. something is happening. My brother's car had been broken, I mean the door glass. A toll tag and some moneys had been stolen and same goes my sister-in-law hand bag. Inside it there's an amount of hundred Ringgits with 2 mobile fones. And I believe it is 'pukau' or black magic thingy. Very bad but..what more I can say. It's all from ALLAH and from your own doing.

So, for today's dagangan..CANCEL. The food, will be send off to the neighbours I guess. I don't know. Or else, we have to eat all that. ;)

I don't know what to say. After the incident, what my bro&wife think, how do they feel, what are they going to do, do they think or realize of any mistaken or wrong doing? Because this is is not the first time. I believe it's more than 3 times. Can you imagine that...pity...sad...

So now, I want to have my heavy breakfast...because I'm so starving and maybe do some house clean-up. Later..

Ya ALLAH, give us some of your blessing...not some..more, much, a lot of blessing. Lindungilah kami sekeluarga dari sebarang keburukan, sadar apa tidak. Berikanlah kami kebaikan dunia dan akhirat. Amin..amin...amin ya rabb.
Posted by Lynn Ross at 7:29 am |