Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Morning!!! 06:40 AM.

Jap lagi anaa nak siap2 buat test. Venue di UKM, Bangi. Time, 9:00 AM. So, by 8:00 AM hafto berangkat. Mudah-mudahan testnya tak susah dan anaa boleh jawab dan pass la. Then I can proceed with the interview. Rumit betul proses.. Anyway, I'm still feel a little dizzy... Bila nak oke..tak tau la. Malas nak telan obat, lagipun dah habih obatnya.

Oh ya, regarding on the title above, hari ni hari yang ke - 13 sepi tanpa kabar. Masih sabar menanti. Wondering what is happening. I just make an assumption that the phone is missing or being stolen. Or dia dah tercampak kat mana2 area yg tak clear. Nak sedapkan hati sendiri aje tu...

That's it for be continued, maybe after I came back from the test. And oh ya..wish me luck ya! Doa...pls...pls.. Amin. :))

Posted by Lynn Ross at 6:43 am |