Thursday, July 21, 2005
Today is the first day my duty start as a usher. But I dont really get what am I suppose to do. Cause today just the rehearsal for tomorrow.

Tomorrow, will be the day that I am the usher. We'll see. As what I've been told, I got to pleased the ministers. Who are they, I do not know. PWTC, was full of crowd. UMNO crowd! Terrible I tell you. I'm totally lost in the crowd. Am I belonging to the Umno's??? Oh Allah, pls say NO! I'm not anti to anyone. It's just I'm not one of them.

But, today was a bit tiring for me. Maybe not enough of sleep and I feel not very well. As though, I have fever. At the 5th Floor of Umno building, I got to be there from morning till late evening. Prepared the dessert for the YB, Dato'2 and Datin. Am I the 'tea lady'? :) Whatever!

Meeting new people, new matured people, new old people, new famous people and so on. Good connection there, but...will I be offered anything? Will I gain anything from them? Will I??

I still looking for a JOB. And I hope I will get a permanent and suitable job. Not this kind of job -usher. Usher sound like 'usha' hahahha...Am I 'usha - ing' anyone? Opps!! :)

Hope tomorrow will be just fine and accordingly. Cam x percaya I work for the UMNO. But, trust me, it's just for the sake of $$Money$$. I would rather stay at home and helping my mom. Seriously!

Ok la..Now is 12.40am, and outside is still raining. It's time for me to go to bed. You know rain and sleep has a good connection. Hehehehe...Nite everyone! To the one I know, I miss you so much! Ekekkee...sape tu eh?
Posted by Lynn Ross at 12:40 am |


At Fri Jul 22, 12:48:00 am 2005, Blogger Abah Adrian said........
uh.. dah kerja.. tak ckp pung... boleh ahh belanja aku.. ngahaha