Look at the pix above. Kesian kete..
Tapi itu lah kehendak Allah. I can accept with open arm. No prob. Cuma ada skit perasaan sedih + kesian kat my mother and the car. Ehm..nak buat camana….Dah nak kene. Tak kene pada my mother kene lak pada my brother or entah2 anaa. Hish..mintak dijauhkan la.
Tadi pagi bwk la my darling car to the doctor somewhere nearby here for plastic surgery and little massages. It will be ready by tomorrow afternoon. Can’t wait to see my darling car back home. Hurm…
I still remember when I’m using kancil. It happens something like that with no scratch. And at that time, it wasn’t me who drove the car. It was my abg ngah. Ehm..yg sedih dia antar repair yg cincai nye je. Tu sedih ah…coz the car is not belong to him. So, ppl don’t really bother. Anyway, tu cite lame.
Nanti cite lain pulak..daaa…