Saturday, July 30, 2005

Hari ni merupakan hari pertama aku gi interview setelah hampir 3 bulan aku habih belaja. I went to walk-in-interview at BCB, Jln. Tun Perak, for the post of Personal Financial Advisor. I woke up a bit early today, mandi+solat+siap2. Gerak dari rumah 7.35 ke Sri Petaling LRT Station. Park kete then..jln2..tiba2 alamak..payah nye nak berjalan. Ghupernye, kaki dah start melecet. Sakit nye! Kasut baru...tu sebab nya. Huhuhu

Dlm train, baru sampai Bukit Jalil, Malini dah call up check where am I. Alamak, janji jumper 8.30am. Tunggu la sat! Jam kat tgn baru kul 8am. Dia siap pesan cepat skit! Ingat anaa driver train tu ke nak cepat2.Hish..sabar je la. Dlm train tu dok tahan mata je keje. Ngantok!

I reached there around 8.30am. As promised! So, we walk to the BCB building, tgk2 salah building rupernye. Ekekeke...itu yg Jln. Melaka nye. Salah la. Nasib baik pak guard tu kasi tau. Kalau dak, buat malu je tunggu kat situ. Anyway, sampai je kat building yg sepatutnya, terus naik tingkat 7. Dah ada beberapa org sedang menunggu. Alamak, we thought we was the first. Then, waiting at the seminar room, fill out the form and calling names started. I am the no.8.

Tak de la ketar sangat. Cuma, the feeling of 1st time being interviewed tu je yg buat debar skit. Bila dah masuk, interviewer tu terus mintak IC and my certificates. Tanpa dipelawa duduk, anaa terus duduk. Hihihi...lupa pulak ape yg dipesan Malini sebelum masuk tadi. Nasib la..! :) Then, dia start tanyer...bertubi2 kene. Dan x berenti2 anaa bercakap. Mcm2 soalan ditanyer. Dalam ramai2 org yg di interview, anaa lah yg paling lama. Sbb apa, x lama lepas anaa masuk, Malini pun masuk, dan x lama lepas tu Malini pun keluar. Anaa masih duduk disitu dan terus bercakap. Hish...minat betul interviewer ni ngan anaa. Hehehe...perasan! Lepas dah jawab soalan2 nye dgn yakinnye..anaa kuar dan submit namer utk 2nd interview.

Anaa balik ke seminar room, sumer org tgk je muka anaa..Anaa sajer buat muka suspen. Kekeke..bagi depa gelabah. Tak lama lepas tu, anaa ngan Malini pun kuar dari tempat tu dan balik la naik train semula. Oh ya, 2nd interview, anaa rasa x pegi kut. Sbb gaji yg dioffer skit sangat dan keje nye belum tentu anaa suker. Hehehe..pandai2 je. Belum try dah ckp x suke. Anaa x decide lagi nak pegi ke tak.

Actually anaa nak kan experience interview tu aje. :) Masa dlm train tadi ada satu org ciner tu...iras2 seseorang. Hishh...sabar je la. Pas tu die perasan lak anaa dok tgk2 muka dia..tiba2 dia terlepas small smile. Anaa terus pandang tmpt lain. Cover...cover..kekekeke

OK..itu ajer! Sekian. (to be continued...)
Posted by Lynn Ross at 1:36 pm | 0 comments
Friday, July 29, 2005
Taqwa adalah punca keselamatan dan kebahagiaan dunia dan Akhirat.
Tanpa taqwa, kita tidak akan selamat dan tidak akan bahagia.
Kita tidak akan terpelihara dantidak akan dapat berlindung dengan Allah.
Kita akan terdedah kepada pelbagai serangan nafsu dan syaitan.
Natijahnya, kita tidak akan sampai kepadaTuhan dan hasilnya sangat rosak dan merosakkan.
Kalau taqwa tidak ada dan nafsu bermaharajalela,kesannya amat buruk sekali.


Mari kita lihat beberapa contoh yang melibatkan beberapa golongan manusia:

Bila taqwa tidak ada, para ulama akan dihinggapi oleh sifat-sifat atau penyakit-penyakit berikut:
a. Sombong atau ego
b. Ujub dan riyak
c. Hasad dengki
d. Susah untuk menerima kebenaran dari orang lain
e. Ingin berlawan terutama sesama ulama
f. Mempergunakan ilmu sebagai alat untuk kepentingan dunia, pangkat dan wang ringgit.
g. Pemarah
h. Ingin dihormati (gila puji)
i. Kalau mampu, suka hidup bermewah-mewah

Kalau hati tidak bertaqwa, maka mustahil akan kita temui mufti-mufti, tuan-tuan kadhi,ustaz-ustaz dan tuan-tuan imam yang...
1.merendah diri,
2.merasa diri kurang,
3.mengasihi orang lain sebagaimana dia mengasihi dirinya sendiri,
4.bersedia untuk ditegur walaupun oleh kanak-kanak,
5.tidak suka menunjuk-nunjuk pandai dan kehebatan,
6.menggunakan ilmu untuk kepentingan Allah dan kehidupan di Akhirat,
7.mudah melupa dan memaafkan kesilapan orang lain,
8.tidak suka dihormati dan dipuji kerana yang layak dipuji hanyalah Allah dan
9.zuhud serta warak.

Bila tidak ada ulama yang bersifat begini,maka umat seolah-olah ketiadaan lampu penyuluh.Tinggallah mereka dalam gelap gelita.Tidak tahu halal haram, tidak kenal Quran dan Hadis,tidak kenal Allah dan alam Akhirat, tidak pandai membezakan akhlak baik dan akhlak buruk,tidak faham apa yang boleh dan apa yang tidak boleh,juga tidak faham apa yang baik dan apa yang tidak baik.

Maka hidup mereka tidak menentu. Kadang-kadang ke barat,kadang kadang ke timur, terlanggar ke sana, terlanggar ke sini, terjunam ke lembah-lembah, tersungkur di jalanan dan macam-macam kacau-bilau lagi. Jarang dan mungkin tidak ada langsung umat yang selamat.

Maka jadilah apa yang sedang terjadi hari ini.Umat Islam tidak bertaqwa dan tidak ikut cara hidup Islam sepenuhnya. Kadang-kadang jadi macam Yahudi, macam Kristian, macam Hindu,macam Budha, macam Hippies, macam Punk, macam Skinhead, ikut rock, ikut metal dan macam-macam lagi.Budaya dan tamadun Islam tidak ada dan tidak dapat dibangunkan dan diperjuangkan. Yang ada ialah budaya kuning, budaya campur aduk dan budaya kacau bilau.

Ampun maaf

-ihsan Islam Digest
Posted by Lynn Ross at 2:41 pm | 0 comments
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Hari ini anaa kene teman kakak ipar anaa ke PWTC utk claim duit gaji kami dan duit2 lain. Kami gerak dari rumah dalam pukul 10.30am, terus ke PWTC. Anaa demam pagi ni. Kepala anaa berat, anaa still boleh drive. Alhamdulillah.

Sampai kat PWTC, kami x parking tmpt biaser kami parking. Kami parking di Lobby PWTC tu, depa charge kami RM8 per entry. Imagine, Mid Valley nye jockey pun RM7 dia charge extra RM1. Mmg kaya lah depa ni...So, naik tingkat 5, lepas kakak ipar anaa nak claim tp, x dpt. Sebab org tu x siapkan lagi. Bengang gile kakak ipar anaa. Kemudian, kami gerak terus ke bangsar. Ingat nak makan kat Quality Hotel, chinese food dia. Tp, lom bukak lagi.

Di bangsar, kami mkn di Outback. Itu first time anaa ke situ. Anaa demam..selera anaa totally zero. Kakak ipar anaa yg order kan...then, kami baru dpt air... ada call soh kami ke PWTC semula. Sbb, the person incharge nak belanja kami.Eh...sabar je la. X sempat kami makan, kami soh org tu pack dan kami gerak terus ke PWTC. Hey...pegi balik...pegi balik.

Sampai disana, kakak ipar anaa pun dpt la duit yg nak diclaim tadi. Alhamdulillah. Kami naik ke tingkat 32 bersama 'pakcik2' yg nak belanja kami tadi, makan lah disitu. Wierd tul. Dlm office ada restaurant. Anyway, kami x makan pun..kami makan sandwich&kuih + air teh o suam. Sume anaa share ngan kakak ipar anaa sbb teringat makanan yg kami order x sempat makan tadi. Lepas sejam lebih, kami pun balik rumah...nak solat.

On the way, Shah called. Dia dah sampai Jln. Ipoh. Anaa on the way balik...alamak. Tp, kami decide jumper dia later di Mid Valley. Lepas dah balik...makan + solat, kami gi Mid Valley pulak. huishh...berjalan aje! Sampai Mid Valley kami tgk movie cite Amytiville. Anaa x suke cite seram2 ni. Tp, itu aje yg boleh ditgk. Tgk je la..! Basically, cite tu lebih kurang cam Hide and Seek. But, here I can say Hide and Seek much better than Amytiville.

Lepas tgk movie, anaa terus balik. Sbb dah tak larat. Kata demam! By the way, lately ni anaa asyik tgk movie je. Iskk..rasa tak best la pulak! (Guilty kat diri sendiri nih!)

Oh ya, dlm demam2 tu anaa leh lagi kuar semalam gi dinner kat Kelana Seafood. Sedap tu! Balik cepat2..tgk Desperate Houswives. Best! Best!

Pas tu ape lagi..anaa tido la..he he he..
Posted by Lynn Ross at 11:30 pm | 0 comments
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Alhamdulillah, ari ni hari terakhir persidangan umno tu. Lepas ni dah x yah buat kerja dah. Fuh...lega! Tp, still kene gi sebab nak ambik barang2 and nak claim duit..penat kerja woo!

Sungguhpun ari ni ari terakhir, manusia kat situ..masyaAllah...ramainya. Ntah hape keje depa pun x tau la...dok kat x de keje lain pun ye gak. Baik dok rumah jaga rumah tangga, anak...ada gak pahalanya. Tak larat nak berasak sangat...lepas tgh hari kami pun kuar dari PWTC tu...plan nak bersuka, masing2 cam dah pening kepala sebab berasak dgn org ramai tadi.

Kami balik rumah dulu....solat zuhur..buat ape2 yg patut..then baru keluar. Abang anaa, kakak ipar anaa, Amy, Shah dan anaa. Kami ke OU2 tgk movie cite The Island. Sedap gak cite tu. Thumbs up! Ari tu jugak anaa asyik disakat oleh 2 org lelaki ni..geramnya!!! ;p

Lepas habih movie, kami balik ke rumah..then, rehat2. Hari tu berakhir dgn begitu sahaja. Ayat...ekkekeke...buruk benor!

Posted by Lynn Ross at 11:41 am | 0 comments
Saturday, July 23, 2005
It being requested by a person who wants it in BM. So, I got to type it in BM. My both bahasa are not good actually.

Kami gerak dari rumah kira2 dalam pukul 8.45 pg. Sampai disana lebih kurang 9.30 pg. dan turunkan 2 lagi askar kekeke...x de la...turun kan 2 org utk naik ke office sbb takut dicop lambat lagi. Kemudian, anaa dan kakak ipar anaa terus ke Kg. Baru utk beli kuih. Lepas dah beli kami terus ke PWTC semula, tp...sabar je la..parking penuh langsung! Dah round banyak kali. Letih otak, letih jiwa...hurmm...tiba2 kawan anaa call...tanye ape anaa buat di PWTC? Bila masa jadi puteri Umno...Dia gelak besar.....naik malu anaa...Tgh2 sembang, ada polis pandang2 pulak. Muka cam bagus2...terpaksa la anaa hang up! >p

Kami terpaksa park kereta di rumah aunty kakak ipar anaa dan naik teksi ke PWTC. Sampai disana...terjumpa Syed, dan ajak dia terus naik atas. Lepak sekejap. Sambil breakfast nasi lemak. Anaa pun call balik kawan anaa tadi, dan sembang terus dgn dia. Lama gak la. Hehe. Then, kami ada pegi ke tingkat berapa ntah..di situ anaa nampak Hishamudin dan Ali Rustam. Anaa terus larikan diri, takut masuk dlm camera pulak. Karang x pasal2 anaa muncul dlm tv. Ohh, tidak...!

Tak lama selepas tu, ada 2 lagi hamba Allah muncul, Shah & Chica. Kami pegi lunch di The Mall. Hari tu anaa rasa x berapa best...sbb anaa still sakit mata. Tak tau kenapa. Rasa nak demam pun ada. Makan pun gitu2 je. Lepas dah makan, kami gerak semula ke PWTC. Dan tiba2..Shah nak gi derma darah. Kami tunggu la di luar bilik tu bersama Chica. Sempat sembang2 ngan Chica. Baik budaknya...demam pulak dia ari tu. Cian...cian! Tak lama lepas tu, Pak Lah pun dtg gi visit org2 yg derma darah. Dapat lah si Shah bersalam ngan Pak Lah. :p Anaa dpt tgk Pak Lah dari jauh je.

Pastu, kami di heret utk escort seseorang. Terpaksalah kami tinggalkan Chica. Dalam 15 ke 30 minit menunggu, muncul org nya..dia adalah wakil menteri negeri Johor kut, ke Melaka? Entah..x ingat. Kami iring la org tu sampai ke office tingkat 5 tu dan siap2kan la ape2 yg patut.

Then, anaa pun solat zuhur..rehat sekejap, sambil tunggu waktu asar. 2 org yg kami tinggalkan kat bawah tadi...pun naik skejap ke atas, jumpa sekejap dan ckp bye2...pas tu depa pun blah terus. Tak lama lepas tu, kami pun blah jugak...

Hish..anaa rasa lain macam berbahasa melayuw ni. Name je org melayuw. Tp, kemelayuwan dlm berbahasa entah kemana. Bahasa Melayuw anaa teruk! hihihi

Sekian, wassalam.
Posted by Lynn Ross at 9:56 pm | 0 comments
Friday, July 22, 2005
I just had my supper suppose to be my dinner where I've lost because of TIREDNESS. I was asleep at my brother's bed with my little nephew. Both of us are tired. My nephew having quite bad cough recently. I still remember the last time I look at the wall clock it's about 11.28pm and right after that, I'm gone.

After an hour maybe, I walked to my bedroom and slightly landing on my bed. Luckily, I did perform my Isyak. At 2.50am, I was awake, and checking my fone with 2 new sms which I did'nt read and 1 miss call. So, sorry...I was so damn tired! My stomach were making some noice, and I need to fill in something before I can continue with my sleep. And now, I'm in front of my PC, typing this blog.

Today's duty not that though! And confirm I'm a 'tea lady'! Astaghfirullah hal'azim.. I have to be patient! We're late as usual and there's a voice of insinuation. Nevermind, we got to do this or else we will be kicking out! Hehehehe...After preparing whatever what not, we plan to go to the downstairs to have some breakfast but, they are not serving any breakfast cause it's already lunch time. Hahaha..Bongok gak la. So, I've been forcing to eat nasi minyak/tomato in the crowd which is, I hate crowd! Arghh...I don't want people feel bad, I eat it! As soon as we finish, we go back to the office and start serving again and again, tea lady right, uh! ..and relax a while, waiting for the Zuhur.

The minister are coming they said, but it's at 4.30pm. I feel the heat. I don't like sitting in a place without doing anything. A few Umno members came and perform the solat at the surau inside the office where it is close to us. Came one man, he was talking to us and he liked my sarong which I wear with baju kurung. He was asking where did I get the sarong and ask me to find out, and tell him thru his mobile. While he was performing his solat, we came to know that the person is a Dato'. And we didn't know that. Hihihihi...too bad!

Immediate he finished his solat, he start to continue the conversation with us.

Dato: He was asking would any of us willing to get married with an ‘old man’?? We: “O’oo…!!”
None of us answer the question but we keep on smiling.
Me: How old?
Dato: As my age. Like me.
Then he start telling us about it is OK to get married with old man as long as he is stable with his life/financial, beriman, knowledgeable, and healthy(zahir & batin).
We: Deep inside our heart…Oh man…! How are we going to stop this man?

Then he begins to talk about its OK also, if the man is married. As long as the person is able to make the wife happy and loved, that’s enough. And bla..bla..bla..
Lama jugak dpt syarahan free. Naik sakit tengkuk masing2. And he introduced us his friend also a Dato’. Better look than him. And the Dato’ keep on smiling and want to know the answer…are we willing to be?? Then, he said, ‘hok comei2, buleh lah dak’ . We just maintain, and smile. Suddenly there is a staff want to use the surau and salam to this two Dato’ and call him Ustaz. Ops…! An Ustaz with the title of Dato’ rupanya. Alamak aii!!! (pinjam ayat shah) :) No wonder he keeps on stressing us about marriage with some hadith.

In the evening, we sempat cuci mata in front of Riverside Restaurant. Hehehe..hard to see nice looking guy nowadays. They don’t go for Umno I guess. Hahaha..There are a few men not bad looking which I guess they are not available. :)

That’s it for today. The day ended by meeting Shah and his friends.

B-Y-E! ;p
Posted by Lynn Ross at 3:00 am | 0 comments
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Today is the first day my duty start as a usher. But I dont really get what am I suppose to do. Cause today just the rehearsal for tomorrow.

Tomorrow, will be the day that I am the usher. We'll see. As what I've been told, I got to pleased the ministers. Who are they, I do not know. PWTC, was full of crowd. UMNO crowd! Terrible I tell you. I'm totally lost in the crowd. Am I belonging to the Umno's??? Oh Allah, pls say NO! I'm not anti to anyone. It's just I'm not one of them.

But, today was a bit tiring for me. Maybe not enough of sleep and I feel not very well. As though, I have fever. At the 5th Floor of Umno building, I got to be there from morning till late evening. Prepared the dessert for the YB, Dato'2 and Datin. Am I the 'tea lady'? :) Whatever!

Meeting new people, new matured people, new old people, new famous people and so on. Good connection there, but...will I be offered anything? Will I gain anything from them? Will I??

I still looking for a JOB. And I hope I will get a permanent and suitable job. Not this kind of job -usher. Usher sound like 'usha' hahahha...Am I 'usha - ing' anyone? Opps!! :)

Hope tomorrow will be just fine and accordingly. Cam x percaya I work for the UMNO. But, trust me, it's just for the sake of $$Money$$. I would rather stay at home and helping my mom. Seriously!

Ok la..Now is 12.40am, and outside is still raining. It's time for me to go to bed. You know rain and sleep has a good connection. Hehehehe...Nite everyone! To the one I know, I miss you so much! Ekekkee...sape tu eh?
Posted by Lynn Ross at 12:40 am | 1 comments
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Saturday, July 17, 2005 – 1.45pm, I followed my elder bro. to Jempol, Negeri Sembilan. Visiting my niece, she’s in boarding school. As soon as we meet her, she seems a bit sad. I think she misses her brother and sister. She’s only 13 years of age, Form 1, and this is the first time where she being away from home. Homesick!

After that, we stop by at Ulu Bendul to eat something. I’m totally hungry at that time. While waiting the food ready, I perform the solat at surau nearby. Then, we move inside the small forest area…and start searching for the river. After taken a few pictures, we continue the journey to KL.

We reached my brothers home around 8pm. As soon as I done with my Maghrib praying, I went off!
Posted by Lynn Ross at 2:30 pm | 0 comments
Maybe I was thoughtful,
Maybe I’ve been dreaming the moment for so long,
Maybe I’m lonely,
Maybe I’m too weak,
Maybe I was thinking about it all day long,

Well, I dreamt of something good last night. I can’t remember which side of my sleeping was. But if it is on my right side, that was the best dream I ever had. Too bad I can't put down the words here. I still remember what Ust. Ismail Kamus said, there's only certain person we can share our dream with. So sorry! But, I wish I could have it again and again. The dream can't be express.

Hard to believes.

Maybe I’m a dreamy person,
Maybe the evils are playing with me,
Maybe it just a free show for me in my sleep,
Maybe the dream means the other way around,
Oh, I’m so scared!

But, what if the dreams are true,
Maybe it’s a good sign,
Maybe the future is coming.

It's just a dream. And I believe that is psychology dream. Whatever we've been thinking about before we go to sleep and whatever we usually talk, it will disburse in our dreams.
Posted by Lynn Ross at 3:33 am | 0 comments
Immediate after lunch, I get dressed and grabbed a car keys straight to the bank with my brother. Then to the Subang, my brother wanted to claim a cheque from the car dealer. What cheque I’m not so sure. He said, it’s about transferring the NCD. I don’t have any idea about cars dealing. Hehehe..

So, when we are settled, home is my next destination. Actually, I was planning to go out with a friend, but, my elder brother wanted to borrow the car. Arghhhh! So, I decided to go together with him. Around 5pm, I fetch my brother with his wife and my friend. My brother and his wife need to go to Nikko Hotel. There’s a function they need to attend and it’s being invited by the Brunei Commissioner. It’s regarding the His Majesty’s Birthday. But, the traffic congested here and there and almost everywhere. And what do you expect on Friday evening with shower. My brother manage to get to Nikko Hotel by 7pm. The ceremony begins at 6pm. Can you imagine how my brother feels of coming late to the formal ceremony? Hehehe.. Lantak dia la…hihi..I cannot do anything.

So, my friend and I decided to watch a movie. And the nearest place is the KLCC. As soon as I parked the car, we go to TGV and start queuing. After discuss, we agreed to watch Hostage. Bruce Willis. I like him. 4 tickets purchased! (That’s include my bro and wife) After the long queues, we go to the top floor, to the surau lah…where else. After performing the solat, we have a little walk to the Sony outlet. Our next stop is at food court. Dinner! After makan2, around 8.30pm, my brother called. We meet up again. The movie is at 9.10pm. So, we have some time for my sis-in-law to shop a cloth. She doesn’t want to wear what she were wore before. Hahhaha.. too glamorous that’s what I said. :)

We came in late for the movie, and some Arabs have taken our seats. Urghh… geramnya! My brother urges them to move. Finally, we get the seats. Hahaha.. Overall the movie wasn’t that bad. I like it more compared to the War of the World. Recommended! Kekekeke.. There’s a part I feel a bit sad. Whatever it is, I like the movie. No matter what..! Chewwah…

After the movie finished, we went back home. And we had supper. What was next??? Of course to the bad I go. Hehehe…that’s all. That’s the end of that day.

Posted by Lynn Ross at 1:54 am | 0 comments
Thursday, July 14, 2005
I woke up a bit late today. Maybe because of I sleep late last night. After freshing up, first thing first, I will be in front of my pc and start checking my mails, who's online, most important-JOBS, and check la whatever what not. Hehehe..

11.37:27 am, I've been chatting with my net friend. Known him since Ramadhan 2 years back. We've being really good to each other. I can say that coz, we never meet in person. Hahaha..that's the thing. I think, it's good to maintain that way. But, we do know how's each other look alike la. From the pix. kekeke. I've seen him in the tv quite some time. Although he is glamour & famous (like rich& famous) chewahh, he is still him. Not forget others, and most important we still keep in touch. hihihi We've been talking about present, past and future. Frankly speaking, I do enjoy chatting with him even though he is quite busy with his work/life. No hard feeling. Best! Hope that our friendship endless. Serious. He is Rock! What we usually talk??? haa....secret! Hehehe..No, we use to talk about agama most of the time. Is that right, Mr. Rock? Aik..sound like 'The Rock' la pulak. kekeke...Up to 12 o'clock, my sis-in-law called. Ask me to fetch my nephew. That's the end of chatting part. :(

After Zuhur, I went out with my sis-in-law and the other 2 guys. They are my bro's friends. We went to Post Office, Tesco, then to Segambut. Segambut is the best part. Hehehe...Guess what??? For the first time in my life, sitting comfortly in BMW X5. When I hold the steering wheel, the feelings of BMW is there. Then I gently touch every part inside the car, the roof, the seat, the paddle and the automatic drive gear. Wahh...!!! Only Allah knows. The car is not ours. Hehhee. It's in the showroom. :) We've been visiting a friend and he's the owner of the WALD motor units. Hahahaha...Funny ha! Not only X5, 5 series, mini cooper S, and one more I forgot the car's name. But its toyota. Oh Allah...I don't know how to say it. I'm in the X5!!!! Even though the car was not moving, but the feeling....hurmm...How I wish to have one! :) I'm a big dreamer huh?!?!! ekekke..

Right after that, we went to Amcorp Mall, PJ. Having our lunch at 5pm. :) Relax a while, I drop off the other 2 guys there and me and sis-in-law went back home. Tiring! But, enjoy! :)

OK la, I end it here. Time now is 12:18AM and I want to have my dinner. Then, solat Isyak and sleep. I want to dream about X5. Hurmm...zzzzzz....hihihi...Chow everyone!

Cheers! and Salams everyone!
Posted by Lynn Ross at 3:01 pm | 0 comments
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Show kul 12 t/hari. First time tgk kat GSC-OU2. Best! Best! The cinema la... Lepas movie, jalan2 la sekejap. Boringkan if terus balik rumah. Then, dekat2 nak balik tu ternampak Danny x-factor. He's wearing white t-shirt with white cap and jeans with a girl. I assume his GF la. Eh..not bad OK. Why am I saying not bad, because the girl wearing hijab/tudung. That's the thing. Rarely we can see artist with a gal wearing tudung/hijab. :)

The movie quite OK la. I didn't know the story about the machine/alien attacking the world. If I knew, confirm I'm not going to watch the movie. Huh! Tak suke cite mengarut. Biar la realistic skit..Anyway, dah tgk pun. Cite OK la..sbb Tom Cruise berlakon and Steven Spielberg nye cite. Letak pelakon ntah hape2 dlm tu..sure x best gak cite tu! Whatever it is, I like Dakota Fanning. She is very talented! Before this pun tgk Hide and Seek, Robert De Niro & Dakota Fanning, I'm so enjoyed! Although the movie a bit of thriller but, I still can go on with it. If not, rasa nak balik jer. That's it for today. B-Y-E!

Posted by Lynn Ross at 9:37 am | 0 comments
Monday, July 11, 2005
Dah hari ahad ghupernye...dah 6 hari x update blog nih...ish..ish..

OK OK...secara basic nya...minggu ni x buat pe pun. Hanya dok kat rumah seperti biasa. Ada la kuar sekali pagi Khamis hari urut kat Damansara. Then, x de kemana2. Dok ghumah sesaja. Nak kuor pun x tau kemana. Cuma, minggu ni x de la bosan sangat. Sebab, minggu ni penuh dengan sesi berbalas e-mail. Hihihi.. Rasa cam sume org x tau ape nak buat, mengisi masa yg terluang sambil antor email. Best! Best! :D

Hari esok nak gi nonton War of the World. Tu x tau camana pulak keadaannya. Dengar dari pada para Ewah...komentar...ntah hape2. Esok nak gi with my bros. Hope OK la. At least dpt menghibur hati ni. Pas tu x tau nak buat aper.

Dah la utk hari ni...sambung esok lak. Daaa... ;p
Posted by Lynn Ross at 7:56 am | 0 comments
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Masih lagi menghitung hari entah bila akan di panggil untuk bekerja.

Kalau ikutkan, hari ni dah mula semester baru di univ. hurmm, alangkah baiknya kalau dapat ke kelas lagi macam2 dulu. Rindunya pada kelas + kawan2 (sungguhpun x banyak kawan) + lecturer + environment dan segala2nya. Tp, kalau dah ke kelas je bila pulak nak bekerja.

Oh ya, ari ni dpt good news. Masjid akan dibina...ewahh... he he nyer! Dah lama tak de kenduri kendara kat rumah ni. So, nanti ramai la org dtg. Best! Best! Hopefully jadi la...hehe.

OK la...x de modal! Sekian, wassalamualaykum.
Posted by Lynn Ross at 2:45 pm | 1 comments
Sunday, July 03, 2005

Dah lama x update blog. Ehm, x de mood dan x de idea. Bosan pun ada skit. Sume2 la.
I just came back from Damansara Damai with my parents. Gi ngurut. kekeke...urut kaki & tangan sahaja. Tak urut tmpt lain. After urut je mesti lapar dan a bit mengantok.

So, ni tgh nak fikir ape nak makan. Hari ni nak buat pe pun x sure lagik. Mabbe nak gi Subang Parade + Carrefour + Burger King. Hurmm..sedapnya!!! Tp, tatau lagik...ntah jadi ke idak. Jap rajin, jap malas. Bukan ape, x de gang nak jenjalan.

Dah la..nanti ngarut ntah ape2. Sekian...
Posted by Lynn Ross at 1:45 am | 0 comments